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Posts posted by Laico

  1. In the admin panel, under "General Settings", we can set options such as the name of the store. But where is that information stored within CubeCart? I exported the entire database and searched for the values, but they weren't there. I also search through all of the files in the CubeCart directory and their subdirectories. Couldn't find any of the general settings.

    Anyone know where those are stored?

  2. Hello. I'm making a store that has no thumbnail images for the products. But, by default, every product listing has next to it an empty gray box that reads "No Image Available". Does anyone know how to turn off images, and also get rid of the "Image" column on the left side of the contents in the center of the page?

  3. Thanks for the reply!

    So if that table is available for representing product categories, then why is there the field cubecart_inventory.cat_id? (After all, a product in only one category still has an entry in the "cubecart_cats_idx" table.)

  4. For each product, its category is recorded in the "cat_id" column in the "cubecart_inventory" table. The same information seems to be duplicated in the "cubecart_cats_idx" table. Does anyone know the purpose of that second table?

  5. I'm trying out the free "Shipping by Subtotal" mod in order to specify flat shipping rates for US versus non-US customers, namely, $60 within the US and $25 elsewhere. It is easy to specify that all US customers pay a flat shipping rate of $60 for all orders:

    "Zone 1 Countries:" = US, "Zone 1 Shiping Rates:" = 1000000:60.

    But the hard part is specifying all other countries, without having to create a comma-delimited list of hundreds of ISO country codes. Does anyone know how to more easily specify "all countries but the US"? I tried leaving it blank, but that didn't work. I also tried '*' as a wildcard

    "Zone 2 Countries:" = *, "Zone 2 Shiping Rates:" = 1000000:25

    ... but that didn't work either. I'm just guessing at this point. Anyone know how to specify all countries except one?

  6. That sounds promising, but where is it located? Over at http://www.cubecart.org/, I searched for "A Winter" and "shipping", and found only two possible candidates:

    "All In One" Shipping Module


    Ship by Subtotal/Flat rate/Free in Zone or Zone independent


    Is it one of those two? If not, do you have a link to it?

  7. Misty,

    Mark is correct. Product attributes are values shared among all products, and are typically user-definable. In other words, for every product, I might want to have an attribute "manufacturer country" and for each product assign a particular value for that attribute.

    It's a fairly basic feature found in most shopping carts. The only alternative is to put everything into a list of some sort, in the product description, which is definitely not the best solution.

  8. On the shipping question I can't help, I'm more familiar with digital products than tangible ones. As to attributes, the answer is no for CubeCart 3.0.x, and I'm not sure if this will be in the upcoming 3.1 series . . . but modding CubeCart to have extra fields for products is relatively easy, and third-party mods exist for this as well.

    Thanks for the reply! I see that there is a forum that focuses on shipping/postage issues; I will post the remaining question there.

  9. Hello. I'm currently evaluating CubeCart versus CS-Cart. I installed CubeCart, created some sample products, and searched the forums, but am unable to find the answer to the following question:

    Is there a straightforward way to set fixed shipping costs based upon the customer's location? For example, $25 for anyone in the US, and $50 for everyone else.

  10. Hello. I'm currently evaluating CubeCart versus CS-Cart. I installed CubeCart, created some sample products, and searched the forums, but am unable to find the answers to the following questions:

    1) Is there a straightforward way to set fixed shipping costs based upon the customer's location? For example, $25 for anyone in the US, and $50 for everyone else.

    2) Does CubeCart support product attributes? It has options, as do almost all the other shopping carts I looked at. But it seems to be the only one that does not have product attributes. I don't want to end up putting all of the product attributes into the single product description, and delimiting them in some kludgy way.

  11. I hate it when CSS behaves strangely at firefox/ie/opera etc.

    I have bulleted lists with sub-buletted and sub-sub-buletted lists. but they seem to not being indented in any way..

    I write them like this:


    but they don't look like this:

    • asd
    • asd

      • asd
      • asd


      • asd
      • asd
      • asd
      • asd


      • asd
      • asd
      • asd


      • asd
      • asd
      • asd
      • asd
      • asd



    • asd
    • asd
    • asd



    How do I fix this behavior?

  12. @ checkout i need to show

    total £1175

    inluced vat £ 175

    total to pay £1175

    I also need this one. I need to have tax classes like 1%, 8%, 18%, 26% etc currently set up per product. But it bugs me when I can not see the total vat value only to be shown (not to mix things up with payment gateways etc)..

    products price: 118$, vat 18% included: vat_part = product_price * vat / ( 100 + vat ) ;)

  13. Hi,

    I am pretty new to CubeCart but having some difficulties setting up a new gateway. Here is the thing:

    The gateway needs to post an xml data to a https server via curl and parse the received data. But I have some questions:

    1. Is there a datasheet for the gateway modules?
    2. Where should I start (modifying maby)?
    3. How do I store the returned data?
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