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Posts posted by convict

  1. Hello, i have the problem with on gateway module.

    This polish gateway to www.allpay.pl

    for example:

    customer add to basket some digital goods

    want to pay so he choose payment method: allpay.pl

    then automaticly go to allpay.pl but... if he don't have money on card payment is CANCEL

    then he back to cubecart, go to his account and in details orders there is ready link waiting for him, and then he can download digital prod. why? why? he don't pay so why? ;-)

    sorry for my english.


    Bad written gateway i think.
  2. Convict, I am in test mode also with protx, can you tell me wher I need to change these options you mention before I go live?


    skins/{your skin}/styleTemplates/content/gateway.tpl


    <p><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/progress.gif"  alt="" title="" onload="submitDoc('gateway');" /></p>
    <!--<p><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/progress.gif"  alt="" title="" onload="submitDoc('gateway');" /></p>-->


    Remove line OR image tag OR onload section.

  3. There is a little modificaton since 3.0.12 in modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/transef.inc.php however 50% sucesfull only.

    This line:

    $formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";
    causes doubled shlash in URL.
    Have to be:
    $formAction = $GLOBALS['rootRel']."modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";
    new line in orderForm.php just below include_once("../../../includes/sessionStart.inc.php");
    use old versions line:
    3.0.10 and older uses this:
    $formAction = $glob['storeURL']."/modules/gateway/Print_Order_Form/orderForm.php";

    However the first fix is sugested because of clean solution (SSL in use)

  4. For an extra bit of security and to stop people haveing a nose as to what cart script I'm using I've renamed the admin folder to foo and done a find and replace on all references from admin/ to foo/ in the admin directory to correct the the url refferences.

    Everything looks like it's working as normal when loging into foo, but have I missed anything, will I create and issues with doing this?



    As far as I know aikdo posted the full tutorial how to do in January. However, cannot find the result */*
  5. To confirm - the "first" visit to protx is fine - it passes all the required info etc without problem... It's any further visits (such as a second purchase, or perhaps trying to pay again after a "failed" or "cancelled" payment) that results in the protx page showing the "Incomplete information submitted. No Crypt field supplied." error.

    Any ideas?


    It works in FireFox but IE (tested on v6). Damned Internet Expolorer and one important setting - Check the page validity by visit. The default setting is Automatic. If you set this to "Every visit" it works. */*

    If you disable the automatic redirection to the payment gateway site on the latest page (not shown usualy) it works with default (Automatic) IE setting for page checking.

    It seems IE has an issue with "onLoad" feature + "Automatic" setting, the page is sent incomplete second and the next time IE window is opened (or seems to be for Protx so).

    My suggestion is to DISABLE the automatic redirection once gateway is choosen for now.

  6. I can't seem to get the Royal Mail or the ship by weight to work at all, I just get n/a in the shipping field and then the shipping not set for country error?

    I am only trying to configure GB for country and a few weights ie 0.25:2.50, 0.5:3.00 etc, I have the weights in the individual products, is there another setting i've missed?

    tHanks :(

    You have to set the highest weight you are able to deliver with Royal Mail. If the sum of products weight in basket is > highest setting in Royal Mail you get the error message you have mentioned.
  7. Don't think I want to turn that on again. I presume if I have a SSL on my domain I don't really need to turn it on anyway do I?
    If you want to use SSL in CubeCart on some pages preconfigured to be SSL accesible only, you do.

    You are able to test the proper CubeCart SSL settings without SSL setting "YES" - just use https instead of http in browser bar and browse your store, try to do any order. If CubeCart detects the SSL it uses the CubeCart SSL setting instead of its status.

    This works with dedicated certificate. It works with shared one too but the same URL convention as dedicated have. (The URL difference is in 's' /http vs https/ only) definitely. However it should work with any SSL I think.

  8. I need to have the products that have had the most sales ...to show up at the top of its own category list.

    Right now i've noticed that it is sorted by alphabet ... but we want to have the products sorted with the most popular sales at the top of the list... (we dont want to have the products that NEVER sell at the top ...ever...even tho they might start with the letter A)

    I'm assuming it is probabbly just a one line script, doesn't anyone know ?

    I've had no sales yet, so, maybee it already does this, .... disregard if it is already in the script.

    (i've posted this in mod requests on cubecart.org) thought i should maybee ask here, might be simpler than i think.



    Do you need to sort products in category by most sales or category list by most sales? The topic name is about categories and first sentence about products ;).

    The second option seems to be more complicated. Never tried.

    The first option is about appropriate SQL question modification, there must be more CubeCart tables included. I have posted SQL question for popular products box as best sellers replacement in CubeCart.org forum which si very very similar.

  9. On the bright side, if you get your site looking great in IE7, it will *also* look great in Firefox :)
    This is the main thing I cannot belive in ;)^_^

    Force all your customers to use 1 particular browser by presenting a message to them when they hit your home page!

    This reminds me of "optimised for 1024x768" :)

  10. It's not an error, the certificate is working fine, that was not my question. It is only internet explorer that throws up an ugly message when you move from one area of the site to another, and I want to find a way around that. Anyone have any ideas?
    The reason for an ugly message could be you use non SSL URL on SSL pages (images most likely).
  11. Would you like to have top categories always ordered by name? There is a simple hack:



    WHERE cat_father_id = 0
    WHERE cat_father_id = 0 ORDER BY cat_name ASC

    Thx. Being the n00b that I obviously am, I'm not sure I understand,"Would you like to have top categories always ordered by name?" What I'd like, in the case of my original scenario is to be able to put Corn anywhere I desire, way after I've already put my products in the other Categories without having to redo all of them, each time I want to add a category and its products.

    This is NOT standard CubeCart feature.
  12. includes/content/viewOrder.inc.php


    save, close, upload
    skins/{your skin}/styleTemplates/content/viewOrder.tpl
    <a href="index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId={VAL_PRODUCT_ID}" class="txtDefault" target="_new">{VAL_PRODUCT}</a>

    save, close, upload

  13. Hallo, im new at cubecart and i tryed the forum search since 1 hour now and i cant find a solution to my problem (or maybe i dont understand english that good, im german :unsure::D)

    I have created a new Box at the right to my killer skin, where i have added some link like "About us". I changed the idex.tpl for this. Now i want that the content of my documents to be shown in the main frame of my page. But whenever i click the link it opens a new window? What do i have to add at the link

    <a href="http://www.baulaser-hein.de/wirueberuns.html">Wir über uns</a><br>

    is it that easy like adding TARGET="" ??

    can somebody help me?

    thankx chop

    If the "main frame" is all between left and right boxes the easiest way is to use Site Documents for.
  14. Well, CubeCart provides three default skins, .colRight is in layout.css only. This class name doesnt exist in Killer skin => two relevant skins.

    CubeCart latest release



    .colRight {

    position: relative;

    width: 160px;

    padding-left: 5px;

    right: 9px;

    float: right;



    .colRight {

    position: relative;

    width: 160px;

    padding-left: 5px;

    right: 0px;

    float: right;


    There is NO 3px, no padding-right. :)

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