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Posts posted by convict

  1. Welcome on board. :blink:

    1) Via GET, POST, (COOKIE) or join both systems.

    2) Could be done, remember cubecart is session dependet.

    3) Of course however sessions related data for some 'cases' do troubles.

    4) Indeed there exists a mod.

    5) It depends to what you want. Cubecart uses template system and dynamic content must be php parsed anyway.

  2. Well, order status with Print order form gateway goes to Pending anyway.

    Confirmation email goes to buyer if Order status is Processing, Stock change too.

    No email, no stock change if order status is Pending. Do change the status to Processing or visit cubecart.org and search for mods doing this in pending status / upon ordering.

  3. {SESSION} represents the 'box' file you find in your skin folder like skins/Classic/styleTemplates/boxes/session.tpl

    Homepage is defined in your language file lang.inc.php under language/<your lang> folder

    Test Catefory - just rename or delete and use own ones in Admin Control Panel->Catalog->View Categories (Add Category)

  4. Hello All,

    I was hoping to resolve the issue I have myself but after two days and many searches am still stuck.

    I have installed CubeCart V3.0.10 with success, I can access the shop and click around however as listed above I have no links in the admin section to work from.

    I have removed / deleted / replaced the files and data base three times, I have reviewed the help forums here and was unable to locate a fix (lots of reports but the fixes suggested have not sorted my problem. (sorry if my search was unsuccessful if a fix is listed :wub: and I ahve tried both an auto and manual config as well as downloading and reading the CubeCartv3_Install_Manual.1.01.pdf

    Is anyone able to advise the next steps I should take ?

    Thanks in advance.

    No language file included, PHP include path issue probably.

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