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Posts posted by convict

  1. Easy 'hack':

    <?php $game = $_GET['game'] ?>


    if ($game == 'chuzzle')


    echo "$chuzzle";


    if ($game == 'zelda')


    echo "$zelda";


    if ($game == 'pool')


    echo "$pool";


    if (empty($game))


    echo "$maintext";



  2. This is the white space issue. FF doesnt have any problem. As Mark has mentioned height of line is the trick.

    I used manage this only for IE (Advanced Expanding Category Link mod has this fix) General 'patch' for all LI:

    <!--[if IE]>
    li {line-height:1.3em;}

    just before </head> tag.

  3. Z-index doesnt help thats NOT the main reason definately. You have to use some CSS tricks :D I have made CSS vertical Drop down menu (Killer style) and it works with horizontall one too. Just PM me if you want i can help you.

  4. skins/Killer/styleImages/backgrounds/topHeader.gif is the default Killer header image.


    #topHeader {

    text-align: right;

    height: 100px;

    background-image: url(../styleImages/backgrounds/topHeader.gif);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;


    All you need is above ;)

  5. The height of subcat divs must be the same.

    Open skins/Killer/styleSheets/layout.css

    Search for

    .subCat {	
    	text-align: center;
    	padding: 8px;
    	float: left;
    	width: 110px;

    Add style property height with appropriate number (pixels). I suggest try some values to achieve your satisfaction :^^: . This could be done with this style:

    .subCat {

    text-align: center;

    padding: 8px;

    float: left;

    width: 110px;

    height: 130px;


    Just play with the number 130 :blink:

    Do not make divs too tall :innocent:

  6. Some people would be very grateful to see your result and description how to do.

    jerseyjoes words were like:

    Why are you asking for something you found a way atferwards without good will to present your clever solution?

    Thats the CubeCart comunity usual practice. As jerseyjoes says, "that smartass rersponse is not going to win you a lot of friends the next time you post a message asking for help".

    Maybe you need more sleep and get real cozy with that guide because that smartass rersponse is not going to win you a lot of friends the next time you post a message asking for help.

    (Make no mistake - *that* was scolding.)

    ...and you can kiss it too.

    You have so much to say now. Where were you when I asked the question?

    Learning to spell, perhaps? :angry:

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