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Posts posted by convict

  1. Just my point of view.

    Maintain two forums for the same product regardless of official or unofficial is funnily. If i were newbie today i am frustrated.

    Internet is know of presence unoficial stuff for everything but every official-bussiness site interdictory somethig never links to any unoficial one permitting.

    Using internet nothing short of 13 years, remember world wide web protocol implementation but never seen this. I am old school and new age is comming. :)

  2. @ estelle easy page lock could be like this uncovential one:


    About line 454 add red marked

    <td align="center" width="10%" class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>"><a <?php if(permission("products","edit")==TRUE){ ?>href="?edit=<?php echo $results[$i]['productId']; ?><? if (!empty($page)) echo "&cpage=$page"?>"


    about line 473 add red marked

    <form action="<?php echo $GLOBALS['rootRel'];?>admin/products/index.php<? if (isset($_GET['cpage'])) echo "?page=".$_GET['cpage']?>"

    Just an example :D


  3. This is a sidebox template!

    Correct Killer's is

    <!-- BEGIN: categories -->
    <div class="topCats">
    		<div class="topCatsBgRight">
    		<span class="topCatsBgLeft"> </span>
    			<table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" cellpadding="0">
    					<td class="topCatsTabLeft"> </td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="index.php" class="txtCat">{LANG_HOME}</a></td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabRight"> </td>
    				<!-- BEGIN: li -->
    					<td class="topCatsTabLeft"> </td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId={DATA.cat_id}" class="txtCat">{DATA.cat_name}</a></td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabRight"> </td>
    				<!-- END: li -->
    				<!-- BEGIN: sale -->
    					<td class="topCatsTabLeft"> </td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId=saleItems" class="txtCat">{LANG_SALE_ITEMS}</a></td>
    					<td class="topCatsTabRight"> </td>
    				<!-- END: sale -->
    <!-- END: categories -->

  4. GIF, JPEG, PNG are the right files.

    You can upload SWF by FTP client, put its name direct into DB and do some changes to php code where this SWF should be viewed (vewProd.inc.php). You should assign a static domension for SWF. Dont forget to create thumbnail and upload it too (with a proper prefix).

    Contact me for more.


    or read this

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