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Posts posted by convict

  1. File Name :: Display or hide site documents name&links in CC3 siteDocs box

    Author :: convict

    Category :: Admin

    CubeCart Version :: 3

    Description ::

    This tiny mod allows you to display or hide site documents name&links in CC3 siteDocs box. Useful in time of massive edititing site docs on live sites when you want to hide your experiments from public :P

    Updated Tue, Nov 8 2005 9:58 am

    View File

  2. Do the same thing as toppair.ca is written in topic you have mentioned like this

    Replace with:

    <td class="topCatsTabLeft">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="topCatsTabMid"><a href="http://www.modelmekids.com" class="txtCat">Storefront</a></td>
    <td class="topCatsTabRight">&nbsp;</td>

    BTW your store URL is kingsize :P

  3. this could be made with a flag cheching. Add new column to CubeCart_docs table . This colum (named flag or etc)should be filled with some value [1 for view doc in list, 0 for doesnt view]. This value(flag) should be checked in a first siteDocs.inc.php select

    $results = $db->select("SELECT doc_id, doc_name FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_docs ORDER BY doc_name ASC");


    $results = $db->select("SELECT doc_id, doc_name FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_docs WHERE flag=1 ORDER BY doc_name ASC");
    Result will be list of viewable docs id, names ;)

    This should be manageable in ACP by adding apropriate PHP/HTML code to siteDocs.php

    If you wish i can write a mod for U :(

  4. bad applied &hellip entity (horizontal ellipsis [...])

    open includes/content/viewCat.inc.php

    Search for

    and replace with

  5. move entire contents of shop folder to root

    modify include/global.inc.php and SSL settings too (remove shop folder)


    $glob['rootDir'] = '/abslotule/path/to/www/root';
    $glob['rootRel'] = '/';
    $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://your.site.tld';

  6. Im using virtulal web hosting and shared SSL works fine with CC3. Everything depends to varios system settings which are NOT configurable by clients. How many hosting company so many solutions.

    In this time im testing Vserver hosting. Vserver is like a dedicated server. Vservers are running on robust hardware and they are independent/isolated each other and main advantage is that you have anything under control (SSH root access) - but you have to be familiar with a unix systems.

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