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Posts posted by convict

  1. Heh, want to explain that in english.


    Sorry, I truly am muddlin' my way through this and it is a hell of a chore for me without any true experience.

    Heh ;)

    Go to admin control panel then click on General Settings. You have to fill Directories & Folders fileds with correct data >>

    Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store

    Absolute SECURE URL to store

    Server SECURE Root Directory ($config['rootDir_SSL'] in other words)

  2. Language error problem:

    Non-secure URL access works fine, i suppose this is $config['rootDir_SSL'] setting issue (at minimal) - admin access with secure URL doesnt work.

    Center problem:

    PHP parser error message is responsible for this. Just eliminate problem above and youll be happy.

  3. style.css

    :D Font size? Add row for font-size here

    .tblList {
    	border: 1px solid #BFCCC7;
    .tdListTitle {
    	background-color: #BFCCC7;
    	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	color: #0E51A3;
    	border-bottom: 1px solid #BFCCC7;
    size of what 
    .txtDefault, a.txtDefault, a.txtLink, a.txtLocation {
    	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    	color: #0E51A3;

  4. Lang file is responsible for this :D

    Open language/en/lang.inc.php search for Your session has been destroyed and here we are

    $lang['front']['logout'] = array(
    'logout' => "Logout",
    'session_destroyed' => "Your session has been destroyed.",
    'no_session' => "No session was found to destroy. You appear to have arrived here by accident.",

    Just edit & upload.

  5. Below is my experiment for what i have mentioned above:


    orriginal code:

      $sessId = base64_decode($_COOKIE['ccUser']);
    	} elseif(isset($_GET['ccUser'])){
      $sessId = $_GET['ccUser'];
    changed to:
      $sessId = $_GET['ccUser'];
    	} elseif(isset($_COOKIE['ccUser'])){
      $sessId = base64_decode($_COOKIE['ccUser']);	


    Shop works on SHARED SSL and cart isnt EMPTY by switching into/out of SSL!

    I dont have made any other tests............


  6. can i export from the old and then import into the new??
    no problem with a single language usage for products

    i am using phpadmin......how do I do this?
    Quick explanation>


    - click on your database name (one the left side)

    - then cllick on EXPORT (main window)

    - click on Select All (or select CC3 tables only)

    - unmark Structure

    - save to a file

    - install a new CC3 DB with the same prefix as old one (or do changes to a prefix if any)

    - click on SQL and select your backed up DB file......


    - install CC3.0.5 into a fresh DB

    - click on your 3.0.2 database name (one the left side)

    - click on Operations (main window)

    - place your new DB name to Copy database to:

    - unmark CREATE DATABASE before copying

    - select Data only

    - click on GO next to Switch to copied database

    Im using phpMyAdmin 2.6.4...

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