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Posts posted by convict

  1. Hi Buddy's

    How to reset number of orders in Admin Home ???

    I do not have orders in the section of orders!!!


    Thank You

    It seems you have deleted some customer account(s) orders were created using it. You have to delete orders using SQL manager OR simple SLQ query using TRUNCATE table query.

  2. Hello,

    My website is www.corner-palace.com and I am having trouble changing the font size on my category list. Can anyone please tell me where to go and how to change it.

    Thank you. :D

    Please read the helpdesk ticket i replied you didnt finish mod installation. Your issue is NOT standard CubeCart related to :dizzy:
  3. Nice one, convict!

    Only thing I notices is that if I replace the pagination part at both top and bottom of the column (replacing both instances of the original tag), for some reason the "view all" link appears twice as "view allview all"?

    Would be nice to include it in both places so if a customer looks at the first page and then decides to view all, he can do so from the bottom without scrolling back up.

    (and moved to skins & templates)

    Well the reason of such behaviour is twin template sections. You have to use different name for bottom section name in paginate area like <!-- BEGIN view_all2 --> and <!-- END view_all2 --> and add


    just after



    @Mark :)

  4. Anyone have any luck adding a "view all" link to the category page paganation?

    for example:

    4 pages [1] 2 3 > » view all

    I've been getting tons of requests from customers asking for that. Seems like a useful addition. Any help would be most apreciated.

    As Mark mentioned the right place to do it howver this is simple hack out of function:



    $productResults = $db->select($productListQuery, $config['productPages'], $page);
    // View All by convict -->
    if ($page === "all") {
    	$config['productPages'] = $db->numrows($productListQuery);
    	$page = 0;
    } elseif ($config['productPages'] < $db->numrows($productListQuery)) {
    // <-- View All by convict
    <div class="pagination">{PAGINATION}</div>
    <div class="pagination">{PAGINATION} <!-- BEGIN: view_all --><a href="index.php?page=all&amp;act=viewCat&amp;catId={CAT_ID}" class="txtLink">view all</a><!-- END: view_all --></div>

    Have fun!

  5. Anyone think of a way to keep the stock levels from going below 0?? Keeps confusing customers when they see "-x" available as they think something is backordered when it just means x have been ordered. Would like it never to show negative numbers.

    Any ideas?

    Maybe out dated but helps to someone else too...




    $query = "UPDATE ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory SET stock_level = stock_level - ".$results[$i]['quantity']." WHERE productId = ".$results[$i]['productId'];


    $query = "UPDATE ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory SET stock_level = stock_level - ".$results[$i]['quantity']." WHERE stock_level > 0 AND productId = ".$results[$i]['productId'];
  6. Now it appears somehow the copyright has dissapeared completly. I haven't made any changes to anything dealing with the copyright. I don't even know where it is in the files.

    How do I fix this? I don't want to use the script without the copyright. I am not sure how it's gone, but it's gone now.

    Does anyone know how the thing could just vanish? I haven't made any changes to the file other than skin modifications.

    Posted this as a bug a long time ago. Just dont use upercases in html tags, </BODY> especialy <_<

  7. so, you are recommending that within the admin panel I DO NOT activate SSL...

    and then i should set the global.inc.php settings as you list above?

    Please read what I wrote above carefully. I suggested some settings and actions to test SSL is installed correctly. If so, you can enable the SSL afterwards. If you are unable to browse store under SSL (any page) there is nothing to activate becasue of SSL certificate issue.

  8. The default cubecart SALE product list query could be much easier becasue of products. It seems your category index table is a bit messed up. Default cubecart doesnt know sale prices related to categories that means default query used for products in sale (viewCat.inc.php):

    $productListQuery = "SELECT ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id, ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId, productCode, quantity, description, image, price, name, popularity, sale_price, stock_level, useStockLevel FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx INNER JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory ON ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_cats_idx.productId = ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory.productId WHERE sale_price > 0 GROUP BY ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory.productId";

    could be much easier and NO multiple occurences there:

    $productListQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE sale_price > 0 ORDER BY productId";
  9. Leave SSL setting as you posted.

    Use following global settings:

    $glob['rootDir' ] = '/home/liannakl/public_html/shop' ;

    $glob['rootRel' ] = '/shop/' ;

    $glob['storeURL' ] = 'http://www.liannaklassen.com/shop'

    Do access your store with https://www.liannaklassen.com/shop' - browse your store, basket page either. if SSL is installed properly you must have https without additional slashes there.

  10. There is a simple hack just for you:

    Open includes/content/gateway.inc.php


    $gatewayModules = $db->select("SELECT folder, `default` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_Modules WHERE module='gateway' AND status = 1");
    $gatewayModules = $db->select("SELECT folder, `default` FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_Modules WHERE module='gateway' AND status = 1 ORDER BY folder DESC");

  11. Hello gang,

    I was wondering if it were possible to password protect the admin panel folder using htacess as well as the standard login to the admin panel....

    Anyone ever tried this before? I am afraid to try it as it may mess things up.

    Admin area is nothing else than html folder => it is possible.

  12. If i add a box in global/index.tpl with the following code how do i add an image background if image is 25 pixels high anbd 50 pixels wide?

    <div class="boxTitleRight">Box Title</div>

    <div class=â€boxContentRightâ€>

    <div class=txtDefault>


    I use<br>




    All depends to place where your backround image should shown ... box tile, box content area..

    BTW: You are not able to set backround image dimension property in CSS, this is done by area dimension backround image belongs to :)

    The magic thing backround repeats in dependance on foreground area and repeateable limitations presence.

  13. This may have been discussed elsewhere but I cannot find anything.

    When a customer goes to their "View Basket" but they are not logged - in the 2 lines - "Tax" and "Shipping" show as n/a.

    I am finding this is a bit misleading as they think they do not have to pay any tax or shipping.

    Off course these 2 items cannot be worked out until someone is logged in so that the system knows their address and can calculate these prices accordingly.

    Is there anyway that these 2 lines can be removed until the customer logs in?

    or maybe just change the n/a to something more applicable that lets them know it still has to be calculated?

    Maybe a feature to show tax and shipping regardless to customer status (anonymous/logged-in) :)

  14. Hi, I tried editing the homepage by pasting in the javascript that was given to me

    for placing a SSL certificate seal image on my site. The script does not accept it.

    Is it possible to add javascript to document templates?

    How may I add this?

    the code is like:

    <script language="Javascript" src="https://(thefilegoeshere)"></script>


    Document templates? Did you mean site documents? If so just have a look what roban wrote.

    You might add your code to a global index.tpl template at any place you would like a seal.

  15. Can someone let me know how the PayPal Standard & IPN should work with reducing stock? :)

    I've done a 1st test and went well, but the stock did not reduce automatically!

    I waited over 10 mins just in case!

    I've searched for a topic on this but no luck. (the forum search is pants)

    I had to manually set the order from Pending to Processing before the stock would reduce!

    I was expecting once I got the PayPal email confirming payment, stock should have been reduced automatically! Am I right?

    Stock not reducing on successful transaction!

    Stock reduction happens once order status is changed from Pending to Processing - ONCE only doesnt matter automaticaly (triggered by payment module or manually). That means you can change order status from Pending to Processing several times it doesnt matter - only FIRST change does the matter.

    If products is tangible and uses Stock level, stock is decreased upon order status change to Processing (must be) (first time only).

    It doesnt matter PayPal or any other gateway, if gateway has an flag to change order status to processing once payment is successful it runs THE SAME CODE => gateway used is not relevant but status change flag. PayPal Standard/IPN does update order status automatically.

    A bit of explanation above LOL. If your order status is not changed to Processing NO stock level change by any expectation. PayPal email confirmation is not relevant to CubeCart it seems your PayPal IPn is disfuctional for some reason.

  16. @Kulsha

    Just follow the error notes:

    "Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/clientdata/clients/d/a/x.com.au/www/sessions/)

    open(/clientdata/clients/d/a/x.com.au/www/sessions//sess_62a2a48b0937185bd0209d1cacfc4b84, O_RDWR)

    Take care on paths as EverythingWeb posted above, do not use slash at the end of path.

  17. Alan I sent you an explanation + fix via PM. State update to FALSE is the quickest but uncomfortable solution.

    Have fun!

    BTW maybe time to write a list of NON RECOMENDED cc3 built-in payment gateways on store selling digital goods. :dizzy:

    This is an example:

    Authorize AIM

    PayPal Standard

    PayPal PRO

    PayPal Express Checkout





    and moooore

    DO NOT ADD PAYMENT PROCESSOR NAME to its description area, this is highly recomended.

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