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Posts posted by convict

  1. Thanks Convict, that worked. How can I set it so that it does not have anything in the fields?

    Also, on step 4, the "edit delivery address" is above the invoice address. Where is the code to change that?

    Also, I need to add a dropdown box, a comments field and a delivery intructions field. How would I do that and intergrate it with the cart.

    Sorry, my PHP knowedge is like null.

    Thank you very much,


    Custom modding, please visit cubecart.org there is an appropriate forum for.

  2. ... what is nice about direct payment you stay on your own site and you do not need ssl cert.

    Good to know any credit card data from customer browser going to your site unecrypted :D

    Can you post IP of your site? :wacko:

    Well it is strongly recomended to use SSL if any form used to fill sensitive data redides at YOUR site. PayPal Standrad, IPN nad Express Checkout is good, you dont need to have SSL because of a fact customer is writting all the data at PAYPAL site which use SSL connection.

  3. i am working on my first cubecart installation and all is going fine, except i'd like to skip the first part of "step 5" in cart check-out where the user is prompted to select the payment gateway and enter comments. is there a way to go straight to the details page? we have one gateway configured and i'd like to go straight to it. thanks for any help.

    Google for "cubecart quick checkout" :D

  4. Paste following code to a new text file, name it whatever but extension php, upload to your root store folder and 'run'.

    $db = new db();
    $db->misc("ALTER TABLE `".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_category` ADD catDisplayOrderID int(11) NOT NULL  default '0'");
    $db->misc("ALTER TABLE `".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory` ADD productDisplayOrderID int(11) NOT NULL  default '0'");

    FYI: it is always prefered to contact the mod author first

  5. This is what i found:

    <input type="hidden" name="add2" value="82" />

    <input type="hidden" name="quan2" value="1" />

    Make sure there is an appropriate php code related to $_POST['add2'] & $_POST['quan2'] in includes/boxes/shoppingCart.inc.php. If not delete number 2 in template file from.

    Standard cubecart knows $_POST['add'] & $_POST['quan'] only. Those form item names are used in product page.

  6. @subten (Euan) I surprised you never posted any feedback there :D :D

    Yeah sorry Convict... work has been mad (I only do this as a hobby) and I've only just found time to do some work as you'll know from me buying your mods :wacko:

    Null problemo, well work is mad sometime however i feel mad because of work LOL

    Only I wanted to see how it works, thanks to wamasterhunter :D

  7. Hi,

    I need my customers to be able to send the product to friend while paying for it themselves. from what I have gathered, page three does that, but it is not there!? When I click the continue button on step two, it says it is going to page three, but it goes to page four instead.? what can I do stop the dedirect?



    My website here

    Just change the setting in admin control panel->Store Config->General settings->Locale Settings and set Allow dispatch to address other than invoice address? to YES

  8. Well I use CSS throughout the site - can I style it like any html page?

    If you want to use CSS related to yor site you have to add html related code (whole page) +

    <link href="http://your.site.tld/path_to/filename.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    in language file email part


    direct styling like style="any style property" in related html tag you use

  9. Note that until you

    have almost completed the checkout process the shipping wont be calculated and


    I have a question regarding the shippingcost calculation not showing until the 2nd, 3rd and 4th step

    it annoys me that the text 'Shipping' is visible in the 2nd and 3rd step, just because it's simply nothing there except for a -

    now, i tryed to remove the $lang['front']['cart']['shipping'] in includes/content/cart.inc.php but that wasn't such a good idea because then the shipping wasn't announced in the 4th step

    is there a way to remove the shipping text in the 2nd and 3rd step and have it visible in the 4th step??

    any ideas, thx..

    There is a mod to show shipping regardless to step just google for "cubecart shipping and tax always visible" however if you dont want to show it is step 0 2 3 send me a PM :w00t:
  10. User-agent: *

    Disallow: /index.php?act=login

    Disallow: /index.php?act=taf

    Disallow: /admin/

    Disallow: /classes/

    Disallow: /docs/

    Disallow: /extra/

    Disallow: /images/

    Disallow: /includes/

    Disallow: /js/

    Disallow: /language/

    Disallow: /modules/

    Disallow: /pear/

    Disallow: /skins/

    Disallow: /cart.php

    Disallow: /confirmed.php

    Disallow: /download.php

    Disallow: /offLine.php

    Disallow: /switch.php

  11. Html tags in txt type of email are useless, you have to set html type of email first.

    %s in your example is blank until you assign a value for it (select the appropriate product name from inventory and add it as the nex sprintf parameter).


    Thanks for taking time to reply. I can kind of understand what you mean but given my total lack of php, etc I don't know what I need to do.

    Thanks for taking time to respond though.



    Well I did a separate topic for HTML format of digital goods download emails ;)
  12. HTML format of digital goods download emails



    		$text .= sprintf($lang['front']['orderSuccess']['digi_email_body2'],
    		$text .= sprintf($lang['front']['orderSuccess']['digi_email_body2'],
    SEARCH FOR (last occurence, there are two..)
    'digi_email_body1' => "Dear %s,
    Thank you for your order no: %s placed on %s
    Below are the links you need to access the digital products you have ordered.
    IMPORTANT these links will expire on %s and you have %s attempts to download them. If you have any problems please contact us stating your order number.
    'digi_email_body2' => "%s
    'digi_email_body1' => "Dear %s,<BR><BR>
    Thank you for your order no: %s placed on %s<BR><BR>
    Below are the links you need to access the digital products you have ordered.<BR><BR>
    IMPORTANT these links will expire on %s and you have %s attempts to download them. If you have any problems please contact us stating your order number.<BR><BR>
    'digi_email_body2' => "<a href='%s/download.php?pid=%s&oid=%s&ak=%s'>%s</a><BR>",

  13. I have a couple of questions.

    I want to edit the text for the download links email that gets sent out with the links for digital products.

    'digi_email_body2' => "%s




    How can I change the text above so that the product name (which I think is %s is the link itself?

    It is possible to create an html template so that you could include logos and banners within the download email?

    I tried the following:

    <a href='%s/download.php?pid=%s&oid=%s&ak=%s'>%s</a>

    but it didn't work.

    Html tags in txt type of email are useless, you have to set html type of email first.

    %s in your example is blank until you assign a value for it (select the appropriate product name from inventory and add it as the nex sprintf parameter).

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