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Posts posted by convict

  1. Add Homepage link into site document box manually :dizzy:

    skins/YOUR SKIN/styleTemplates/boxes/siteDocs.tpl

    <!-- BEGIN: site_docs -->

    <div class="siteDocs">

    <a href="index.php" class="txtSiteDocs">Home</a> |

    <!-- BEGIN: a -->

    <a href="index.php?act=viewDoc&amp;docId={DATA.doc_id}" class="txtSiteDocs">{DATA.doc_name}</a>

    <!-- BEGIN: sep --><span class="txtSiteDocs">|</span><!-- END: sep -->

    <!-- END: a -->


    <!-- END: site_docs -->

  2. Please read this bug report i sent to Al.

    Try this fix:



    if(!isset($basket['cart_order_id']) && empty($basket['cart_order_id'])){
    if(!isset($basket['cart_order_id']) || (isset($basket['cart_order_id']) && empty($basket['cart_order_id']))){
    $basket = $cart->setVar(1,"mailSent");

    hi convict,

    I am using 3.0.14, is a newbie, and facing the same questions.

    1.when sending test emails, I got double emals.

    I followed your methods, replaced the two code blocks,however, it doesn't work.

    2. when I was placing testing order, I didn't get any notification emails.

    I also read the bug report,and modified the related codes, but it doesn't work yet.

    regarding the issues above, could you give me any ideas.

    thanks in advance

    I suggest you to PM me with site details will have a look at.
  3. True Alan, though considering i'm just starting out - i'd hate to be in a position where i have to email the customer to tell them i don't have the stock and have to refund the money.

    There must be some other way though.....

    Yes there is a 'middle way' - time limited stock change. If customer who bought something stoc is decreased but never paid within 48hrs order is deleted, stock increased :)
  4. You have to upgrade your account to superuser OR add super admin manually:

    1) using DB manager like phpMyadmin

    2) using php script

    Simple script will update yourusername to super admin. Replace yourusername with your one.




    $db = new db();

    $db->misc("UPDATE `".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_admin_users` SET isSuper = 1 WHERE username = 'yourusername');


    Just make a php file (content above), upload to site root folder and "run". Run means add URL with path to this file and hit <ENTER> in your borwser.


  5. Bottom line: Anyone who has a heavily modded store doesn't need to fear the upgrade process. It's a relatively easy mod in itself.
    I wonder what would you said having heavily modded cc3 3.0.8 (about 25 mods (8 major)) to the latest finished :P:)

    Best is to upgrade every release is out almost imediately BUT who does have a time to do it? :lol:

  6. I am also getting this error after the upgrade.

    Security Warning

    Parsed array keys can not contain illegal characters! Script execution has been halted.

    It may be possible to fix this error by deleting your browsers cookies and refresh this page.

    I can delete cookies in IE7 and get to the store front. However I can no longer get into any of the admin areas. Once I delete cookies in IE7, then go someplace else I have to re-delete cookies.

    Samething happens in Firefox 2

    site is


    MySQL Error Occured

    1044: Access denied for user: 'parrots_mrsph@localhost' to database 'parrots_store'

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