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Posts posted by convict

  1. Can you give us a link?

    My store isn't live yet so I guess I'd have to set up an admin pass?

    Let me know what you need...PM perhaps?

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I had 'convicts' Advanced Expanding Category Links installed. That all seems to be working fine though (it's just the line spacing that's messed up) and everything's okay when using Firefox.

    Anyway, over to you - and thanks for the speedy reply!

    Please open a helpdesk ticket and post the access data to the ticket at our store. You upgraded some template without any modification probably.


  2. After Upgrade I am getting the following error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: user_is_search_engine() in /home/USER~~/public_html/FOLDER~~~/includes/boxes/shoppingCart.inc.php on line 38

    Any ideas????

    Never mind its the SEO mod Guess Ill just wait for the next big release of cubecart. Back to version 3.12 it is

    You overwrote old sessionStart.inc.php with fresh one from 3.0.13 package.

  3. Well live site is live site no argue. Please add the folowing code

     <!-- logo_{LANG}.gif -->
    just next to the 
     <td><a href="index.php"><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/logo.gif" alt="{META_TITLE}" border="0" align="left" /></a></td>
    Save, upload.
    The result will be 
     <td><a href="index.php"><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/logo.gif" alt="{META_TITLE}" border="0" align="left" /></a></td><!-- logo_{LANG}.gif -->

    Dont worry, your site will be OK ;-) Need this to see how is the variable.

    Try to post part of code snippet from index.php where $body->assign("LANG",$lang_folder); resides ... 2 lines above, two below include.

  4. You dont have to delete all of other countries.

    Open includes/content/cart.inc.php


    			} elseif($shippingAvailable!==TRUE){
    			// Allow shipping to USA only by convict -->
    			//} elseif($shippingAvailable!==TRUE){
    			} elseif($shippingAvailable!==TRUE || $ccUserData[0]['country']!="226" || $basket['delInf']['country']!="226"){
    			// <-- Allow shipping to USA only by convict


  5. There is a way. Just add the lang abbreviation to the banner name like banner_en.jpg, banner_nl.jpg.

    Open index.php


    $body = new XTemplate ("skins/".$config['skinDir']."/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl");

    Open skins/your-skin-name/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl

    ADD {LANG} to any banner filename you use like banner_{LANG}.jpg


    <img src="path/to/banner_{LANG}.jpg">

    If you would like to have it on checkout pages, do the same but for cart.php, skins/your-skin-name/styleTemplates/global/cart.tpl

  6. Try the simple thing in following files:




    $sessionDomain = substr($GLOBALS['rootRel'],0, strlen($GLOBALS['rootRel'])-1);



    Final result:

    $sessionDomain = substr($GLOBALS['rootRel'],0, strlen($GLOBALS['rootRel'])-1);
    	$sessionName = "ccSID";
    } else {
    	$sessionName = "ccSID-".md5($glob['rootRel']);

    The original code makes strange things on some servers if store is installed in the site root folder - backend session cookie path is generated as /admin instead of / because of session_cookie path is called before session_name and parameter is empty. PHP generates current web folder as session cookie path.

    It seems to be browser settings dependent issue for some reason too.

  7. Open skins/LegendFulScr/styleSheets/style.css

    REMOVE float: left; from li.bullet and you'll be happy.

    BTW Please rewrite the Shop by category box. Code like this:

    			<td valign="top"><li class="bullet"></li></td>
    			<td><span class="txtDefault"><span class="txtDefault" style="font-size: 70%;"><a href="index.php?act=viewCat&catId=2" class="txtDefault">Balloons</a></span>

    looks horrible, sorry :rolly:

  8. I'm starting to write a book about php/sql. It's something that I'll be writing over a substantial period of time, in my spare spare time (Which is almost non-existent at the moment).

    I'd like to have several simple programming projects to follow that are of a good general use to people wanting to learn programming.

    For instance, the first one that popped into my head would be a simple administration control panel, allowing someone to create a form that contains data fields that can be used on a website, like a basic content manager. Nothing special, but enough to demonstrate the programming and working of the system.

    Any other ideas? I want to stay clear of pet shops! :lol:

    I'd even consider a chapter on how to make modifications to existing software code, using CubeCart as an example.

    Cool idea anyway. However much better to deomstrate form creating is Contact Us page. If I were you i did it as first. Any administration samples are good in section "secure php and sql code" section. :rolly:
  9. I use the killer skin and when you list products you have 2 buttons on the right. One for buy and one for info. When I hit the buy button it just takes me forward to the product exactly as the info button does.

    So the conclusion there are two buttons with different text but they do exactly the same thing, why ? Cause the buy button works as it should when you hit it inside the specific product itself.

    Anyone ?


    The only difference between More & Buy button is the Buy button adds product into basket. Such behaviour is since version 3.0.11. Buy button in CubeCart versions prior to 3.0.11 added product into cart without redirection to the product page - only exception if product has any options, it works like More button (in any Cubecart version too)

  10. This is NOT a bug. Since 3.0.11 Royal Mail shipping calculation doesnt allow free shipping (Dont know for what).

    If you want to use free shipping do use old version (3.0.10) of Royal Mail shipping module file (calc.php) located in modules/shipping/Royal_Mail

    Be aware there is a bug in ALL Royal Mail versions. Bug is $i variable in following code:

    for($i=0; $i<count($shipBands);$i++){
    	$wheightCost = explode(":",str_replace(" ","",$shipBands[$i]));
    		$sum = $wheightCost[1]+$module['zone'.$shipZone.'Handling'];
    	} elseif($totalWeight>$wheightCost[0] && $i+1==$noBands){
    		$overWeight = TRUE;

    $i must be renamed to something else like $j or $k ..... This has been posted as a bug in the past.

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