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Everything posted by Robsta

  1. There are quite a few differences between IE6 and Firefox. Product details page width, front page credit card alignment, cart template formating etc. Looks nice though.
  2. Unusable in IE6 and lower resolutions in other browsers. We still await the copyright footer fix.
  3. Robsta

    SEO query

    Content is king... ... a link to your site to get the search engines and traffic to visit is queen, or at least second in command. Content is king because bad or no recommendations can kill a site. Links are 'queen' because anyone who links to a site indicates they find it has important relavent content (otherwise why link to it, back to the content is king).
  4. Robsta


    I always liked that skin. Good choice Nice site.
  5. This is a feature of Invision to help keep the threads tidy. I don't think you can turn it off, but why would you want to... it's a great feature :rolleyes:
  6. Yep, seconds. forgot to mention that bit... oops. Glad you got it sorted. :)
  7. Work out the time difference, and set a -/+ offset.
  8. This is usually taken from the server time, and an offset configured in Admin > General Settings. The offset for GMT is '0'.
  9. Look in your PHP information, in CubeCart. Look for 'session.save_path'. Is there a setting there (probably is set to 'tmp')? And if so, ask your host if you have write permissions to it.
  10. Establish what *exactly* is causing it in this case. Look to padding, margin or width of the content area.
  11. IE6 uses padding and margins slightly differently, the result is the width varies sometimes causing this type of behaviour. IE7 is more adherent to the standards.
  12. Looks quite a nice little black number. But you haven't looked at it in IE6 have you? First impressions are that there is never any content, but then scroll down, and it's all down there past the end of left column. Ya gotta love IE6! :dizzy:
  13. You have not added Macromedia's javascript to the page. Looks at the js code that Dreamweaver creates, then copy that into the template.
  14. Robsta

    SEO query

    I think people can get too obsessed with SEO, and not spend enough time making their site 'usable' and 'pretty' enough for people to actually want to view the site. Just look at the number of crap sites that return in searches, and which one do you stay on? the one that actually looks appealing (first impressions), and does or sells what you want. It's all very well being good on the SEO front, but it's not search engines that spend the money. I'm not for a second saying that optimising your site isn't worth doing, but just remember that visitors find entry pages without anything beneficial on them very annoying, and often just leave again. Spiders don't get bored as fast as humans do. */*
  15. I would suggest putting a link to your site in your post, rather than forcing visitors to copy and paste your username. Visit .org and get a free skin. Anything is better than the standard killer skin.
  16. Try adding the background image to the body tag, and tile it vertically. If you are creating a site, use Firefox as the guide browser as it adheres to the standards more, as does IE7 in some respects. Your site worked better in IE6 because the coding was not correct in places, and IE6 compensates with guess work. (Please keep to the facts, your problem will get more attention as it is less to read )
  17. Add the code to the template file. If you're wanting to add it to the homepage, add the code to 'skins/your_skin/styleTemplates/content/index.tpl' If you look for {HOME_CONTENT}, this is where the RTF editor adds it's text.
  18. @Markscarts: Roban? @Yoursite: You really should make the Cubecart copyright footer readable on your PCs and Crafts website.
  19. There are also some skins on .org which are pre-created for this purpose.
  20. Robsta

    IE7 Bug

    how do you change this??? thanks mike Edit /skin/skin_name/styleSheets/layout.css, and look for .subCat { Change the width to something more appropriate.
  21. I believe it actually displays a random product from the category the visitor is in, with the exception of the homepage. Scrolling products box? Do you mean popular products box?
  22. Welcome to the CubeCart community Steve.
  23. We certainly will miss her.
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