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Everything posted by Robsta

  1. Your ISP's mail system is configured to detect fast bursts of email which are usually a result of viruses. Contact your ISP.
  2. Robsta

    The design

    You can use any email address. This address is used by CubeCart to send you and your customers store purchase information.
  3. Robsta

    My Store

    I assume you realise that the front page is now much wider than 1280px width in IE? Looks nice in FF.
  4. Thanks, but I would like to host it on my computer any ideas When you are all done, you will have "saved" yourself $20 a month that professional-grade hosting costs.You would have spent out far more than $20 a month in upgrading the ISP connection, required hardware and software, security precautions and your time. As a professional I would not even attempt this for a website I wanted people to visit. It depends what your objective is.
  5. Robsta

    Trade Login

    There are some discount mods available on the .org site. These may suit your needs, if not contact the author for a customised variation.
  6. Glad it's working this time round... keep making the backups just in case. :w00t:
  7. Right, mouse over will display what is in the Advisory box so should I bother to put anything in the Alternative text box if there is no text where image is, if images disabled in FF. If one of my images is named "total confusion" what exactly should I place in my Alternative text box as an example? ALT="total confusion" or just total confusion? Appreciate the pointers so far, just need to know the last point and I will go away If your adding the code to the HTML page, then the first one. If you adding to the image insert dialog, then the last one.
  8. The ALT text is entered in the "Alternative Text" part of "Image Info". It's displayed when the image cannot be, or displayed on mouse hover is there is no "Advisory Title" text entered.
  9. There are no mind-reading software packages available yet You can use any CSS editor to edit the stylesheets, and any HTML editor to edit the templates.
  10. #divMainImg and #divThumbsImg
  11. The problem is not that CubeCart behaves differently, but more like the browsers work differently. IE is not as complient as Firefox, and borders, margins and paddings are rendered slightly differently. TIP: If you design for Firefox, you're more likely to avoid this type of problem and the site will work in most browsers including IE. If you design for IE, you will get problems with all other browsers. It is difficult to determine where the problem actually starts with your formating. I would firstly comment out all the padding entries in the CSS for the global templates, then see where you are with the formating.
  12. There is some information in this post which might be of help in learning how CubeCart works.
  13. You'll find the product list title row in "skins/<skin_name>/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl" ... in bold below:
  14. If you had looked in the CSS file as pointed out, there are only two IDs (ID's begin with '#' and classes begin with '.') in there with any width or height styles set. This will size up the contents of the page. If you want the entire window to be a different size, look in content/viewProd.tpl for this code... <!-- BEGIN: more_images --> <div style="text-align: center;"><a href="java script:openPopUp('extra/prodImages.php?productId={PRODUCT_ID}', 'images', 548, 455, 0);" class="txtDefault">{LANG_MORE_IMAGES}</a></div> <!-- END: more_images --> The "548" and "455" is the actual popup window size. ... and as Ansuk pointed out, people do not repond well to being shouted at :(
  15. That CSS info can be found in the popup.css in your styleSheet folder of the skin.
  16. So how long did it take you to design, create and test? I would certainly expect completely bespoke designs to be better than the commercial skins on .org. It's a completely different market, and in a different price range.
  17. It's easy to fix it, just create an "a:hover" for ".checkoutBtn" and ".checkoutBtn2" CSS to counteract the effect.
  18. The blue cart buttons... in Internet Explorer 6. It looks fine in FF.
  19. That's a fantastic site you've created. Great work! My only critics are the blue cart buttons, when the mouse hovers the text turn blue with an underline. The text is then not very readable. And it's hard to find the homepage link... but it doesn't really matter, as it's a fantastic site! :errm:
  20. With each version there is upgrade information included to go from one version to the next. All you need to do it run each database upgrade script in turn to take it from one version to the next. You then only have to upload the latest set of files. As long as you followed the upgrade scripts from your version, you'll be fine. I'm sure a moderator will confirm this. Don't forget your database and file backup.
  21. Fixed width sites will take up the whole width of the browser window when the browser is the width of the site.
  22. You can just download the CubeCart files again and extract the Killer skin from the skins directory.
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