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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. I don't think the question should be "Can this be done." Of course it can (if you have time and know PHP and MySQL). The real question is *should* it be done?

    I'm afraid if I modify existing tables and a new version of CubeCart is released, then my table modifications can/may be erased.

    Does it make more sense to create a second database and join the two? Please share your experiences with modifying existing tables and what happens when new CC releases come out.


    It is highly unlikely that the CubeCart database upgrader would drop your manually added fields or tables by name. And it's also highly unlikely that the upgrader would delete and recreate it's own database tables as the content would be gone.

    Creating a different database would cause problems if you wanted to link information with their IDs. SQL queries, to my knowledge, to not work across different databases.

    If you install phpmyadmin, be sure to secure it otherwise it's a direct access path to your data by anyone who can find it... and it can be found :dizzy:

  2. The zip contains the directories and files that need to be upgraded in the files they are in, for example

    upload skins/Legend/styleTemplates/xxx to the same as it is on your server. Its pretty self explanitory :innocent:

    Note however if there are skin template changes (as there are with the new 3.0.16 release), simply uploading and overwriting the current template file *may* break the layout of the skin if that template has been customised.
  3. There is one database upgrade 12 -> 13 looks like.

    Look in the distribution... \CubeCart_3.0.15\upgrade\scripts\3.0.12-3.0.13\

    Then, just upload the contents of the 'uploads' directory, with the exception of the files mentioned in here...

    \CubeCart_3.0.15\upgrade\Upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.0.15.txt




    I also usually don't upload the skins or Language directories, just incase. For the language files, I would look in the changelogs for updates for each release, unless you are certain that you have not made any changes to the default language files.

    Hope this helps. :errm:

  4. is there anyway I can have as an image instead and centered? I managed in latest products but that appeared in the language file.
    Yes, just replace {HOME_TITLE} with <img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt=""/>

    The path should be valid as referenced from the root of the store where 'index.php' is.

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