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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Content is'nt neccasarily king......
    Content is king...

    Content is important but useless without off-site seo...
    ... a link to your site to get the search engines and traffic to visit is queen, or at least second in command. */*:P

    Content is king because bad or no recommendations can kill a site. Links are 'queen' because anyone who links to a site indicates they find it has important relavent content (otherwise why link to it, back to the content is king).

  2. Thanks for the IE6 advice - so far I've only looked at it in Firefox (my main development browser) and IE7. Does anyone know why IE6 would be showing it differently?
    IE6 uses padding and margins slightly differently, the result is the width varies sometimes causing this type of behaviour. IE7 is more adherent to the standards.
  3. I think people can get too obsessed with SEO, and not spend enough time making their site 'usable' and 'pretty' enough for people to actually want to view the site.

    Just look at the number of crap sites that return in searches, and which one do you stay on? the one that actually looks appealing (first impressions), and does or sells what you want. It's all very well being good on the SEO front, but it's not search engines that spend the money.

    I'm not for a second saying that optimising your site isn't worth doing, but just remember that visitors find entry pages without anything beneficial on them very annoying, and often just leave again. Spiders don't get bored as fast as humans do. */*

  4. Try adding the background image to the body tag, and tile it vertically.

    If you are creating a site, use Firefox as the guide browser as it adheres to the standards more, as does IE7 in some respects. Your site worked better in IE6 because the coding was not correct in places, and IE6 compensates with guess work.

    (Please keep to the facts, your problem will get more attention as it is less to read */* )

  5. You have set a wdith of 110px for the spans that contain those images, but the images are 229px wide each.

    From your CSS:

    .subCat {	
    	text-align: center;
    	padding: 8px;
    	float: left;
    	width: 110px;

    If all your subcategry images are the same width you don't really need that here. Or you could set the proper width for these elements (229px - because you have an XHTML DOCTYPE bothe IE6 and 7 should use the right box model; IE5 won't, but the images will stretch them to fit, and who uses that nowadays anyway?). If you find you lose your padding this way then you can always add a margin to .subCat img instead.

    how do you change this???

    thanks mike

    Edit /skin/skin_name/styleSheets/layout.css, and look for .subCat {

    Change the width to something more appropriate.

  6. Hi There

    Is there a way to display a featured product from the catagory your customer is in instead of a random product?

    I believe it actually displays a random product from the category the visitor is in, with the exception of the homepage.

    ...and could a similair thing be done with the scrolling products box displaying products from that catagory ?
    Scrolling products box? Do you mean popular products box?
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