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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Just bring it in here.... ;)

    And just ignore any comments like "no real design work there" :P , for some of us just start learning about cubecart a small change can be big enough :) , and asking for suggestion on what to improve help us learn more... :D It can be so easy as to change font color or text size. We are not all born to be state of the art designers...

    ... but the forum is called 'Show Off'. There is nothing to 'show off' if the default skin is used. For development tips and help, visit cubecart.org.
  2. Sorry, i'm pretty new to this.......

    I did what you said, but what's the next step?


    Edit it, look for <span class="txtContentTitle">{HOME_TITLE}</span> . This is the code that shows the front page title. Either replace that code, or just the {HOME_TITLE} with <img src="path/to/image.jpg" width="x" height ="x" /> replacing 'x' with the correct dimensions.
  3. Are you using a static or dynamic width skin? Can you post a link please.

    You can do it by editing the styles in layout.css, look for .subcat and .subcats

    Change the widths, if you're using dynamic skin width use 33%, if you're using a static with, use what ever pixel figure (eg 130px) that is a third of the area width.

  4. All you need to do is alter the CSS for the 'li'

    For example:

    For all lists...

    li {

    list-style-image: url(../folder/image.jpg);


    There are other 'list-style' styles which may require adding to conpensate for the cascading styles. I recommend using a CSS editor which has the styles built in for you to chose from. Makes it so much easier.

  5. It can be done fairly easily by copying the global template into the root and changing the extension and CSS/image paths. Then you can amend the HTML to use it with your new content. Of course you will need to alter the code to allow a smooth flowing menu heirarchy.

    It also depends on whether you are using another CMS to merge with CubeCart. I use MODx which allows me to use the same global template (slightly modified for paths and place holders) throughout the whole site with relative ease.

  6. In the 'global' (styleTemplates/globals) templates {page_content} references the 'content' (styleTemplates/content) templates. For the front page template, look in "styleTemplates/content" for 'index.tpl'. There you will find the HTML and also the classes that are referenced in the CSS.

  7. http://www.cloud9energy.com - Plain old Killer.

    http://www.lightspeedx.com/ecom/ - Plain old Legend. CubeCart v3.0.4!!!!

    http://www.highstakes21.com - Plain old Legend.

    http://www.aigal.com - Plain old Legend. CubeCart 3.0.2!!!!

    Other than a couple nice header images (with text colour clashes), sadly no design work... nothing to 'show off'. And two of them are very outdated (and insecure) versions of CubeCart. You would be advised to upgrade. Sorry, just my opinion.

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