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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Hey Robsta

    Your current site at Inspired Solutions looks great. Which CMS are you currently using MODx or Etomite?


    Thanks for your kind words.... I use MODx. I've finally got round to working on a replacement for the site that is currently there.... and believe me it will knock your socks off! Estimated change over is the beginning of September, if I can add the new content in time!

    You won't know which you're on unless you look at the address bar :)

  2. We have CubeCart.org :)

    Possibly you guys are so used to navigating around the two forums that it must appear to you that newbies like me are (a.) lazy or (b.) dumb [you're in good company; so does Mrs Bags], when we make comments like my opening post or ask questions like 'where can I find . . . ?'

    There is a wealth of information on here. Despite many, many posts by senior contributors, it can still take a newbie quite a while to find these resources. If you happen upon the right 'signpost' post, then bingo - Open Sesame

    I think these two URLs could happily be posted up in response to such queries by anybody. Strike me down with a CC Thunderbolt Special if I am breaking the URL post rules here :rolly:

    Start here: CubeCart 3.x free mods, downloads and tutorials

    More here: CubeCart.org forum

    Rather than saying "Search the cubecart.org forum", send 'em off to the treasure trove directly. Eventually, they will make the blinding connection betwee these two URLs!

    I offer this from my experiences here. It can be very frustrating for a newbie, despite searching responsibly first.

    If you look on the top level of this forum, there is a big link to 3rd party mods and services :w00t: . And also links to it in most of the regulars' post signatures. */*
  3. I see what you're saying... and agree to an extent. But if the store is not memorable/exciting/interesting and with pretty window dressing, customers may not return for more, or remember to recommend it to their friends.

    Edit: The store skin has now changed from the shipped killer (to what I was referring originally) to a better skin.

  4. Thank you for the input. Once I get used to the skinning of the cart I will hopefully get it to go along with my page more. Also, can you view text now? Thanks again.
    Yep, can read it now. ;)
  5. Looking for some criticism and suggestions please. Thank you.

    SoloDesignz Cart

    Nice, but looks nothing like the design of your main site. Perhaps you could think about integrating the design more?

    Is there suppose to be content on this site??? every page lacks text. Surely you're not using quicktime to display your text?
  6. Some constructive criticism is appreciated. Advertising tips are HIGHLY appreciated since I'm new to this business.
    Make your skin standout. You won't do this with a store that looks identical to thousands of other stores ;)
  7. ... can I get a step by step installation guide from the Development team, right from the installation of the store to payment gateway and shipping method.
    There is a CubeCart installation PDF available, just click on Downloads at the top of the page.

    Other than that, the main functionality is pretty self-explainatory. There are more tutorials available on .org for customisation, and review the pinned posts at the top of the forum sections on this site.

    Good luck with your store.

  8. My global.inc.php file is as follows.


    $glob['dbdatabase'] = 'caehsdb';

    $glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';

    $glob['dbpassword'] = 'xxxxxxx';

    $glob['dbprefix'] = '';

    $glob['dbusername'] = 'caehsadmin';

    $glob['installed'] = '1';

    $glob['rootDir'] = '/caehsdb/';

    $glob['rootRel'] = '/caehsdb';

    $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://localhost/caehsdb';


    Try changing the following:

    $glob['rootDir'] = 'c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\caehsdb';

    $glob['rootRel'] = '/caehsdb/';

  9. Your logo is part of your background image. Which means you cannot do it.

    If you inserted the image into the foreground using <img etc etc /> then you can make it a link.

    To learn how to do this you could always Google for it. Or contact the author of the skin (which you have, but alas no reply as yet). Or if you need further help, pop over to .org.

  10. You can remove the links by editing the skin files. The product pages is viewProd.tpl

    But unless you can determine exactly what has changed from the hack, you may be safer to reinstall. It may just be the skin files that have change, but note if they were able to edit the skin files, then they could certainly access your database. And unless you've upgraded since the hack, they have had unrestricted access to your hosting and database for the last 2 months.

  11. I can only guess that they mean the option to open browsers in a full screen window ie, without the toolbars. You can code your site to open your site in any browser in a full screen mode.
    I very much expect it's as Roban says... full screen with no toolbars and no browser controls visible. This method of displaying a page it typical of adware/spyware code which hides what's happening in the background, or tries to make the user click on something on the page to trigger some dodgy code. There is no reason for search engines to crawl this type of page, and it's unlikely to contain anything worth crawling so it's probably ignored. This is an educated guess I might add, but it makes perfect sense to me. :(
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