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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. 1) I already have a web site for my brick & mortar store. Will I have to replace all my hard work with CubeCart or does it integrate into what I already have?

    CubeCart will integrate quiet easily into any website if you know you way round HTML. The skins are very customisable.

    2) My Point of Sale system uses a MySQL database for inventory, sales tracking and whatnot. I am using RetailIce (RetailStar) from Cam Commerce Solutions. Is CubeCart compatible with my existing database or will I need to rebuild my inventory from scratch to use on line?

    CubeCart has it's own set of tables for inventory management. If you mean can you install it in the same database, then yes you can. However I think you mean can you use your existing tables to reference your inventory, then no you cannot. CubeCart can only use it's own table structure.

    You may be able to hire someone over on .org to migrate your products over into the new CubeCart tables, however this is entirely your choice. Otherwise you will need to add the products in again.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I would recommend thinking about a custom skin as well. Not much designing to 'show off', it's just the legend skin with a graphic put over the CubeCart logo.

    If you're not using the language or currency options, you should remove the boxes as they serve no purpose and only take up space.

    Pop over to .org for some inspiration :)

    Good luck with the store.... I still have my old Mega Drive somewhere! LOL!

  3. Yes you can do this fairly easily... just ShoppingCart.tpl template directly to change the session text. Obviously the 'Welcome' part could not be changed as the logged in user changes.

    Also changing the document name for an image would be fairly easy to do. Just use the document ID as part of the name of the image in the siteDocs.tpl template */*




    Please do not use capitals as it indicates shouting. And please read the pinned posts as they are there to help you. :lol:
  5. Is it possible to have slight css variations on say a catagory basis?

    mens wear = black theme, womenswear = pink for example?

    Yes it is possible.

    You can either do it with some stylesheet/template trickery (which is not guaranteed to work I might add, it depends on what is required), or you can use a mod to change the skin on a per category basis.

  6. The link provided by Clixgalore should have your unique id within it, in order for it to work. It does not go in CubeCart admin, and you don't need an account number.

    The Admin module is for when you offer the same service to your customers.

  7. Pretty header. But sadly it has not been tested for usability. Colour clashes all around, to the extent of text being the same colour as the background in several places. What a shame :D

  8. I think only Brooky can answer your question. But I'm sure as the release time gets nearer there will be more information available.

    I would expect however that if there was a security vulnerability found in the latest 3.0.x stream, then a fix would be made available fairly quickly.

  9. I assume you mean to remove the truncation on the description of the product? This can be done by editing the reference on line 249 (about that line) in includes/content/viewCat.inc.php.


    Change to something like...

    Edit: Ahh... oops sorry, mis-read it. The descriptions do appear if you have them in the styleTemplate/content/viewCat.tpl file. They are there in the shipped skins, as you are using a custom skin, maybe worth contacting the person who created the skin for you. You may still need the above modification to remove the truncation in the description.

  10. Good point re the float: center :ninja:

    When float: left and text-align left are used, all that does is push it over to the left, still one verticle column (with one product per row).

    It's one product per row because you're repeating table rows. Change the table structure to DIVs, and you can easily do it using a float as suggested.
  11. 2) Is there anyway to switch the default PLN to Dollars without re-entering ALL of the 1000 default product prices ?
    I've seen a mod over on .org which allows you to set which currency is passed to PayPal independently of what the default store currency is. This would solve your problem.
  12. PayPal Pro payment module is built into CubeCart, and as such should be simple to configure. However PayPal Pro I think is only available in the US.

    I have heard that Fantastico installs cause a lot of problems with CubeCart installations, expecially with them being out of date versions that are installed.

  13. The only HTML that is stored in the database that I know of is what is saved using the FCKEditor, with the exception of the homepage. This includes document content and product descriptions. Everything else is in the skins.

    I don't see any problems with using tables. They fix a lot of problems DIVs cause, and DIVs fix a lot of problems tables cause. I see it as more important to acheive a nice looking site for everyone, than to keep the odd one or two people happy who just 'love' to see something adhere to a standard. The difference could be several days coding and debugging... but will the customer want to pay extra for it? probably not, they just like to see pretty pictures usually. */*

  14. I would also recommend upgrading from 3.0.4 to the latest version. There are a number of security vulnerabilities in the earlier versions which you should protect yourself against.

    CubeCart.org is the place to find what you are looking for.

  15. SO is there an official response? I didn't do anything but move my clients site to a new server, and upon the move, I got the redirect as well.

    I'll follow the suggestions in the thread, but I'd like to hear a better explanation.

    The explaination has been covered in other threads. The reason is because the footer was altered by Devellion amid concerns that the version of CubeCart was displayed arrising to unnecessary security risks. It means if the files that manage the footer copyright are not from the same version (pre change and post change)... then the issue arises. If the upload was successful, then you will not have this problem.
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