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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. I thought Paypal allowed your customers to pay whether they had an account or not.

    But when I ran a test with a fake e-mail address, this is what I get:

    Any ideas?

    The message says there was a problem with the email address supplied by the seller, not the customer.

    Check your PayPal account details in CubeCart, make sure they correspond with the address in PayPal.

  2. Andi is right, if the sub-category images are the same size it will enhance your store.

    However to work with different size category images, within the Layout.css you will find the '.subCat' class. Add a height style and tailor the height to your categories and you end up with tidier rows. :P

  3. It's not CSS styling that's causing the really wide store.

    I notice that the content in the center is all images... this looks to be the cause.

    I think i might have to reduce the amount of them :-(

    Thank you all for your advice.



    It's a good thing to have your text as text and not in an image... search engines don't read text in images, and the front page is the most valuable.

    Comments Plz...!!!

    That is soooo much better. Well done!

    One thing, the mouseover colour change on the top menu on the cart does not seem to work in IE.

    Looks great! :)

  5. Hello,

    I just wanted to pick your brains about something that I haven't been able to find. Thus far everything I have been looking for has been easy to find, this one has stumped me though.

    If I have digital downloads (MP3s) in my store, someone orders one, and PayPal payment is successful, is there any way to confugure CubeCart to automatically allow them to download the file, or do I have to manually do that every time?

    Thanks in advance for your response :)

    // Alexander

    Yes of course... enable IPN in PayPal and CubeCart :dizzy:

  6. if you can see on the websites that the top categoris are right above the main section i want to move them up a little into the white area just underneath the site logo.

    can anybody help me as in what style sheet section to edit


    EDIT: Sory i have sorted it out

    Try .topCatsBgRight for the menu

    The logo section is #topHeader

    Note it looks a little odd in Firefox at the moment.

  7. It's very nice, but I'd just like to mention a few issues I can see...

    Some of the hyperlinked text, for example the top menu, login text etc the mouse over text is a different width (probably because of changing to bold), this moves the entire menu and text when the mouse moves over it... which is not ideal for usability.

    The top menu text should also be bigger or at least more prominent as Andi mentions. It does get dwarfed by the content, and there is nothing obvious to indicate to a new visitor where the menu is in relation to the content text... it looks the same.

    There is no separation line between the products in the category view and shopping basket. This makes the lines of products more difficult to follow. And as you've removed the title background colours, it adds to the issue.

    The session box (with login and account links) moves from the left column to the top right when you go into the cart template. Locations of such items should ideally standardised for all pages.

    The actual shopping basket page is very bare, even with products in the list. I also expect that when a visitor registers, and goes to their account they will have an entire browser window with only 4 small lines of links somewhere on the page.

    I like the concept of minimalism, but I can't help thinking it's a little too minimal. This is just my opinion, and I'm sure others prefer this style of site.... I like something pretty and eye catching to look at :D

    Good work on the site... i'm a perfectionist at heart, so please take my feedback as constructive rather than criticism.... it is a nice site in general :w00t: :D

  8. I agree.... needs colour. Too much white. The Latest Products list also needs some attention, and the cart sections are strangely narrow. Dynamic width store, but narrow static width cart section?

  9. Ok... your CSS...

    .boxTitleLeft, .boxTitleRight {

    background-image: url(../styleImages/backgrounds/boxTitleBg.gif);

    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    font-size: 70%;

    color: #B5D100;

    width: 175px;

    height: 15px;

    padding-left: 4px;

    padding-top: 2px;

    font-weight: bold;


    .boxContentLeft, .boxContentRight {

    border-left: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

    border-right: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

    background-color: #FFFFFF;

    padding-left: 5px;

    padding-top: 9px;

    padding-bottom: 5px;

    width: 168px;


    These boxes should be identical in width. But the title is 175px and the content is 168px. Padding and borders can make the boxes that bit wider (by the selected px figure).... so try experimenting with making the padding-left/right and widths equal between the two.

  10. It looks ok to me.... what are you seeing? I've tried it in IE and Firefox... looks fine.

    on the right hand side there are bits sticking out i can definstely see it (unless its my laptop)

    check again

    Ahh I see.... yes. Didn't notice it.

    Try reducing the width and height settings in the same area.

  11. Hi All

    Thanks for your comments so far...

    jerseyjoe - I have looked at my site @ 800 x 600 and I know one does have to scroll a bit but looking at the stats for the site only a small percentage of visitors are using 800 x 600 res (see attached). I also belive that new computer are now being shipped with higher screen res as default. So what am I to do? Cater for Hi or Low res?



    Higher resolution screens do not mean they use full screen windows. Those stats are very misleading.

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