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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Very nice.

    Bit if a difference between FF and IE though... some pages are centered in IE, but left aligned in FF. For example, the contact page and "Small Gifts" category list.

    Like bennyuk, don't like the default category folder images.

    Good work.

  2. I can't figure out why both the words CART and BASKET are used in CubeCart!!!

    Is there a valid reason for this that I've missed?

    Seems to me they are one and the same, but it doesn't make sense why they are both used for the same thing.

    Anyone have a good explanation about this? ;)

    It's just the crossover between English and American terminology. As shandaman says, it can be changed in the lang.inc.php file for anyone who wants to standardise/standardize :lol: :D

  3. I was wondering if Cube Cart could be configured for users to purchase photos (select size/type & quanity)?
    It works nicely for photo downloads, however there is only one image path available per product for download. Therefore setting different image for different options might be a job for a modder to alter for you. I only have one image per product, no options for size.
  4. url of the site is www.gctcok.com/bpa-ecommerceteam

    part of the problem is that i cant find the database

    and i dont know what to change the path in the includes/global.ing.php to, i have never worked with php before.

    i haven't been able to run it off of a server yet, mainly because i am not sure how to set it up, and no, i am not running on windows server.

    i am in way over my head

    global.inc.php is just a text file with path and database information in it. There's no PHP coding there.

    Looks like you have not changed the paths.

  5. First impressions.... yes very nice. Great use of graphics and menu at the top.

    After browsing a little, I soon realise that the rest of the site's colour scheme lets the header down and looks out of place in places. A good example of what I mean is the registration page, and the product list. Not quite sure what's going on with this page though.... some of the links don't seem to work.

    Love the header! good work! improve the rest, and your client will undoubtedly be very impressed. :blink:

  6. It's gone really wierd in Firefox too.... hmmm...

    100% height is a pain, and can easily get broken. Try removing all the styling for it in the CSS until you can track down the problem styling. The table should be 100% without any CSS files, so to start with try removing all the CSS from loading to check the table does do 100% height. You certainly like a challenge :D

  7. I find the best way is to make the top level container a table, and set that to 100% height.

    Try changing the top level div...

    <div id="pageSurround"> .....  your site code....  </div>
    ... to something like... 
    <table id="pageSurround" height="100%"><tr><td> ... your site code ... </td></tr></table>

    Of course you'll need to fiddle with the CSS for pageSurround including removing the height details from that ID in CSS... but this is one way.

  8. You should also always also test with real browsers. :)

    Nice colourful site, I also have the problem with the right column dropping to the bottom of the page in IE. This is only on the front page of the store. Probably to do with padding.

    On 800x600 resolution screens the site is too wide, the main content is a little too low, and the text on some pages is too big in my opinion.

    Generally a very nice simple design to the site. Good work. :^^:

  9. I did like the animation on the sleepy frog site... (forgot to mention it before). I agree with Mark in that animation (especially flash) often serves no benefit to improve the visitor experience.

    But your little animations, because they're not "in your face" and not constantly moving, it works very well to compliment it.

    I still prefer the tanning site, purely because it looks more visually appealing to me.

    Just thought I'd follow up. :w00t:

  10. I really don't like the bright yellow background, kinda hurt my eyes.

    The "Welcome Guest" near login link is too similar by color to the cyan background so it is barely seen.

    Other then that, pretty nice :)

    I agree entirely. My first impression was "Woooow bright yellow!".

    I like the logo :D

  11. The colour scheme is growing on me. Brown and blue are not the first colours I would think of being a natural mix, but it's not too bad. If you made the store header the same size and colour scheme as the main site, it would look even better ;)

    Good work. :)

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