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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Regarding setting the footer to fixed width, I don't understand. It's already set to a fixed width?
    I want to set the footer containing the copyright links to be 798 Pixels wide . Is that Possible and if so how? Thanks
    You could set a graphic the size of what you need and center vertical tile it? However you can only have one 'body' CSS background image set, so you couldn't also have the general wallpaper set in the same place.
  2. Your large static page width is from your html code...

    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <table width="1256" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

    Width is 1256px.

    The footer is automatically added but can easily be removed by purchasing a license. However it can be styled in the style.css near the bottom. To add the background image to cover the entire page, call it in the 'body' CSS instead.

    Hi Robsta

    Thanks for the reply.

    When I call the Background Image from ' body'.css the image only displays once at the top of the page, it does not cover the complete page.

    Can I set a fixed width for the footer anywhere? I have looked at style.css but can not see anywhere to make this change.

    Thanks Again


    You've got color settings in the HTML of the page which is probably overriding the stylesheet.

    Regarding setting the footer to fixed width, I don't understand. It's already set to a fixed width?

  3. Your large static page width is from your html code...

    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <table width="1256" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

    Width is 1256px.

    The footer is automatically added but can easily be removed by purchasing a license. However it can be styled in the style.css near the bottom. To add the background image to cover the entire page, call it in the 'body' CSS instead.

  4. Well the site has been up and running for a few weeks now and is doing well on sales.

    I am concentrating now on search engine optimization to generate more traffic.


    What do you think of it so far. :D

    Thanks :D

    Nice and simple design, but a little wide on the front page for lower resolutions. You have a lot of white space in amongst the middle column so the front page could easily be adapted. :P

    Good work. :D

  5. 3 recent sites for nitpicking!
    I can nit pick :D with the best intentions of course :D
    Quite nice, a little too much white for me. And doesn't work on lower screen resolutions, the right side boxes drop off the bottom.
    This is my favourite of the three, I really like the header. Again doesn't work on lower screen resolutions as the right side boxes drops off the bottom. The thumb nails are a little too big too. I love the category titles.
    Nice and simple design, same resolution issues. Thumbnails too big, and I would also say that the text size on this site is way too big in places. There are no mouse over changes on the side boxes including the menu, which I think there should be.

    Nice sites, but the page width should be address on all three in my opinion. You may think a good minimum screen resolution is 1024x768 is good now, however on larger resolution screens people are more enclined to not maximise their windows. Therefore browsers are still using close to 800 width, I do. So the result is that the right side boxes are never visible unless you scroll right to the bottom of the page.

    Nit picking over (you did ask :P ), a really nice attempt... keep up the good work. :D

  6. The search box code can be found in 'searchForm.tpl' in '/skins/<skin_name>/styleTemplates/boxes/'.

    The wording "Welcome Guest" can be found in the lauguage file 'lang.inc.php' in '/language/<country_code>/'.

    This will be the same for any v3 install.

  7. If the developer did take its time in releasing thigns he could get most of the bugs worked out maybe even release it beta first to have others looking for bugs as well
    heh.... doesn't quite work that way.

    I love CubeCart. Zen and osC are dinosaurs by comparison. I chose CC on the basis of how customisable it was for designing, and how usable it was for less techie people who are my clients.

    In my opinion, the guys and gals helping in the forums are saints. I had to ask for help when I first found CC, and the help I received instowed a welcome confidence in the potential of CubeCart. Bugs are fixed as soon as, security issues are fixed as soon as, and everyone is very helpful and accommodating even to the stupidest of questions. Try getting that from the osC and Zen forums, where some of them have god like self-images and like to make it known (from experience).

    CubeCart is a great script well worth the license fee (thanks Brooky!).

    There are some great mods available, free and commercial, for extending the functionality of CubeCart if you wanted to (thanks to all moders for their valuable coding time).

    And for those who value the impression they give their store visitors, a wide selection of great skins, free and commercial are available (Great work to all designers!).

    There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. :)

  8. Thanks, im going to stick with it. I usually find myself changing things around all the time, but i really like this one.
    Looks much better... but you've removed the "Designed by Inspired Solutions" credit? The template still requires the credit and link.
  9. Nice work, looks good. Although 800x600 resolution screens will have to scroll horizontally to see the right column.

    Apart from that, good work.

  10. There is so many cool mods, I wish I knew a bit more about scripting, I have quite a few cool ideas for Cubecart. but they are a little too big to do probably.
    Do you mean the Superbows store? Isn't it just the standard killer skin with a different colour scheme and a few mods?
  11. It looks nice. But it's very slow to load because the top picture is all GIFs. Photos should be in JPG format.

    Also the red link colour in the menu and on the right as pricing clashes with the green.

    The top register link is incorrect, and the search doesn't work (it's just a picture of a search box :wacko: ). And the login button is too short, the word is cut off in IE.

    Where can you login? I clicked on the login button, and I get 'Welcome Anthony Bently'. Odd.

    You're also using different image files for the cart and index templates. The images used is the same for both, so why use multiple copies of the same image?

    It will make a huge difference to the user experience to reduce the size of the pages, and re-use graphics where you can. At the moment, loading the front page will take 162K, then clicking on the 'View Basket' will load a further 162K.

    Looks pretty though :D

  12. I would definately recommend not ditching Ebay in favour of your own store alone. As you mentioned, ebay have a lot of visitors, and your products may come up in anyones product search.

    Don't forget that the customers you have from Ebay are unlikely to find your new store, so you will be appealing to a whole new group of customers.

    The trouble you will have (as anyone has) is getting customers to your new store, CubeCart or not.

    If you can, I would suggest having your own store as well as the Ebay store, and perhaps reference your own store on ebay? Are you able to do this? I've never set up an Ebay store, so forgive me if I am incorrect in what you can and can't do with an Ebay store.

  13. In the index.tpl, you've edited out the title, but left a line break before the image...

    <span class="txtContentTitle"></span>
    <br />
    <br />

    Remove the <br /> bit from outside the commented area. I think that should fix it.

  14. I just spent 2 hours playing with MODx.

    Damn annoying little biatch.

    I now hit delete on my FTP profram never to install it again.

    Try Etomite, the forerunner. MODx was a branch of Etomite, which has grown much faster. It's more established, and easier to use for beginners.

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