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Posts posted by Robsta

  1. Version 3 was free to use. You purchased a copyright removal key which is still usable on v4 and v5. The cost is for the software installation code which was introduced in v4, and the price increased for v5. The cost of going from v4 to v5 was the difference in price between v4 and v5 at the time. There were no upgrade offers for v3 because of this.

  2. Mods are not supported in this forum. Please post in the third-party forum. Thanks.

    V4 has search engine friendly paths built in, it just needs enabling in the General Settings.

  3. Features products are a random product from the current category, or the whole store.

    The catalogue and homepage layout can be changed via the skin template files within the 'skins' directory.

    Latest products order can be controlled by editing the actual SQL query. Alternatively, visit the third-party forum for some innovative alternatives.

    There is v4 documentation at cubecartforums.org which details which file controls what in the skin system.

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