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Posts posted by jboras

  1. Ok.. I have just deleted and recreated a few. It seems something got lost in the DB upgrade the CC does on it's own. It shows more than 7. I will just have to redo all their options I suppose (bummer)


    Thanks for your input.

  2. We have a Product that has 16 different options.


    We have upgraded from version 3 to 5. We notice in Version 5 the first few product options are not there. We then see 7 options and the rest are missing as well.




    There should be 16 Options showing but?


    We tried all skins to see if any would handle the options but they all seem to be behaving the same.


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions or fixes.

    Also noticed the mobile skin is behaving the same.... shows only 7 options

  3. In category the sale price value shows as : 



    $PRODUCTS Smarty_Variable Object (3)
    ->value = Array (26)
      0 => Array (64)
        product_id => "157"
        product_code => "BQ336"
        quantity => "1"
        description => "<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cel..."
        price => "US$0.00"
        name => "BQ336 Ice Cream Machine"
        cat_id => "5"
        popularity => "15"
        sale_price => "US$0.00"
        cost_price => "0.00"
        stock_level => "0"
        use_stock_level => "1"


    In product view it shows as:


    $PRODUCT Smarty_Variable Object (3)
    ->value = Array (65)
      product_id => "157"
      product_code => "BQ336"
      quantity => "1"
      description => "<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cel..."
      price => "US$0.00"
      name => "BQ336 Ice Cream Machine"
      cat_id => "5"
      popularity => "15"
      sale_price => "US$0.00"
      cost_price => "0.00"
      stock_level => false
      use_stock_level => "1"
      digital => "0"
      digital_path => ""
      product_weight => ""


    They look the same but what it does in category view it shows all prices as Call! even if they are not $0.00

  4. This is what I see in the debug pop up window:


    ngine with 20KW ..."
      price_unformatted => "0.00"
      sale_price_unformatted => "0.00"
      ctrl_purchase => true
      out => false


    On the product page the price is $0.00

    The code as it currently sits


    <div id="product_detail">
     {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale}
     <h1><span class="price_previous">{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1>
     {if empty($PRODUCT.price_unformatted)}<h1 style="color:red;">$CALL!</h1>{else}<h1>{$PRODUCT.price}</h1>{/if}
       {if isset($PRODUCT.discounts)}
     <p class="bulk_discount">(<a href="#quantity_discounts">{$LANG.catalogue.bulk_discount}</a>)</p>
     <p class="bulk_discount">(contact us for bulk volume discounts)</p>
  5. Thank you, I tried but for some reason it's not working. You don't need to waste any more time on it. We can live with $0.00


    The code was put into:






    <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" class="addForm">
      <div style="overflow:hidden;">
    <div id="product_detail">
     {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale}
     <h1><span class="price_previous">{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1>
    {if empty($PRODUCT.price_unformatted)}
    <h1 style="color:red;">$CALL!</h1>
  6. I think the better option would be in content.product.php




    {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale}
     <h1><span class="price_previous">{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1>
        should do a check like:
    {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale}
     <h1><span class="price_previous">{$PRODUCT.price}</span> <span class="price_sale">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></h1>
     {if $PRODUCT.price = $0.00} *** Not correct syntax as I don't know PhP
    This was only $0.00 amounts will see the Call... message.
  7. We don't want to stop them.


    Quite the opposite.


    We want to receive orders with $0.00 or $Call comment we then know the customers requires us to quote them for a product. This is an understanding we have in place with our customers that we 


    This would have to be used exclusively for the Retail Price, or Bulk Prices.


    If it was used across the board it would show up $Call! in strange areas like Product Options that are $0.00 or no charge


    In this instance:


    $product['price'] = "$Call";


    what is the format so that $Call is not seen as a string? (Please)

  8. Does anyone know where we can make a change to show "Call" or something else where the price for an item is $0.00


    We sometimes leave the price on $0.00 when prices fluctuate too much on a product.


    It would be a neat way to tell our customers to call for latest price rather than have a $0.00 display


    There is a message that comes up (beneath the retail price) when there are Bulk Discounts on an item I wonder if that could be use to display an alternate message (Call for latest price) when the price is equal to $0.00?

  9. Hi, can anyone tell us why the text is not showing correctly in subcategories?


    eg: http://fujitech.asia/index.php?_a=category&cat_id=20


    The Subcat description should be under the jpeg but it seems to flow just to the right of it.


    Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated

    The only change we did was:


    #subcategories > div.subcategory {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 120px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: top;
    width: 92px;
    clanged the with to 92 px so that the subcats take up the width of the skin in full rather squashed left
  10. Would CC consider putting a symbol or anything in File Manager > Images to show images that are not associated with any products so that they may be deleted.


    It would save a lot of clutter on stores (image folder) over time as old line products that are no longer on the store are deleted.


    Currently deleting the product does not delete the associated image leaving behind orphan images.

  11. We are trying to make the jpeg photos a little bigger when viewing categories.


    We have tried the below code:


    #subcategories > div.subcategory {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 120px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: top;
    width: 80px;
    When we increase the width value it stretches out the text but the jpegs stay the same size.
    Could anyone please tell us which value we need to change or add to make the jpegs larger as well?
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