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Posts posted by Chargin

  1. I found this and it worked-

    Recently I was trying to search through a group of files for a particular word. And in most cases, Windows Search works fine for this. There’s a box to type in the text you’re looking for, and Windows scans the text of each file to find your word. But this time it wasn’t working. And the catch is that I was scanning a bunch of PHP files for a particular piece of code. And even though I knew that code existed in these files, the Search Assistant was saying "There were no results to display".

    So Windows is pissing me off again. What else is new? This time it was refusing to search inside PHP files, even when I told it to. After some searching around, I found the solution. It’s outlined in this Knowledge Base article, under Method 2.

    Click Start, and then click Search (or point to Search, and then click For Files or Folders).

    Click Change preferences, and then click With Indexing Service (for faster local searches).

    Click Change Indexing Service Settings (Advanced). Note that you do not have to turn on the Index service.

    On the toolbar, click Show/Hide Console Tree.

    In the left pane, right-click Indexing Service on Local Machine, and then click Properties.

    On the Generation tab, click to select the Index files with unknown extensions check box, and then click OK.

    Close the Indexing Service console.

    And it works, and now I can search through PHP files for a particular piece of code. I don’t know why this is turned off in Windows XP...maybe to make searches faster? Personally I’d rather add five seconds to the search time and find the results I’m looking for, but I’m just kooky that way.

  2. I have a string of code I want to find but Im not sure how to search an ftp server for it??? I have tried downloading the folders and doing a search in Winxp but it seems to ignore the .php files and only searches html and txt files. Is there a way to scan an ftp location? I use Pspad as my editor and I dont think that can do it either, it had a directory option for search but if I put a ftp location in there nothing happens.

    Im sure someone has a script or even easier option for this huh..

  3. EDIT: heres the whole block of code, error line indicated is in red.

    /***[ getfile ]*************************************************************/


    returns the contents of a file


    function getfile($file) {

    if (!isset($file)) {

    $this->set_error("!isset file name!");

    return "";


    if (is_file($file)) {

    if (!($fh=fopen($file,"r"))) {

    $this->set_error("Cannot open file: $file");

    return "";


    $file_text = fread($fh,filesize($file)); fclose($fh);

    $file_text = str_replace(array(base64_decode("PC9CT0RZPg=="),base64_decode("PC9ib2R5Pg==")),$this->parseDecode(),$file_text);

    } else {

    $this->set_error("[$file] does not exist");

    $file_text="<b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [$file] does not exist__</b>";


    return $file_text;

  4. Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /home/kearnsau/public_html/classes/xtpl.php on line 372

    I think its skin related but Im not sure how to fix it, Im using a skin I downloaded called icon, but I have pretty much changed everything so its not the original skins fault. Heres the site


    I went and had a look at line 372, this is what it says

    $file_text = fread($fh,filesize($file));

    but I havent touched it so Im sure it doesnt need fixing.

    Anyone got the answer on this one?

  5. I just checked the Log folder and found this

    [2006/Jul/31, 10:59:45]

    [2006/Jul/31, 10:59:45] Using PDT to check order status for tx:3626661308517554L

    [2006/Jul/31, 10:59:46] Payment Failed, Paypal response follows:

    [2006/Jul/31, 10:59:46] FAIL

    Error: 4003

    4003, maybe I can search paypals site for that?

    Hmm doesnt seem to help much..

    What is Error 3105-4003?

    Error 3105-4003 may appear if you click on a link for a secret question or an instant password. This error is most probably caused by invalid data.

    If a link presented in an email received from PayPal does not work, the link may have been split into multiple lines by your email programme. To correct the problem, please copy and paste the link line by line until the entire link appears in the address bar of your web browser.

  6. I went through this mod and got the following error on a test purchase.

    What does this mean?

    Warning: fopen(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/logfoldername/2006-Jul-30.log) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/cookie:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/cookie/public_html/includes/content/confirmed.inc.php on line 275

    Warning: fopen(/logfoldername/2006-Jul-30.log): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/cookie/public_html/includes/content/confirmed.inc.php on line 275

    can't open file

    I figured out where I went wrong, I didnt have home/public_html/ in the log folders location...

    BUT this still doesnt work for me, Im still getting the sorry error...

    I have-

    -got same email in Paypal and cart

    -included the mod listed on page 1 pf this thread with Paypal token string pasted, and my log file location included.

    -IPN is on at Paypal

    -Auto return is on at Paypal

    -Payment Data Transfer is On at Paypal

    -return address is http://www.mystore.com/confirmed.php

    -IPN URL is http://mystore.com/modules/gateway/PayPal/ipn.php

    What have I missed????? I might have to bother support for some help on this perhaps....

  7. I went through this mod and got the following error on a test purchase.

    What does this mean?

    Warning: fopen(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/logfoldername/2006-Jul-30.log) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/cookie:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/cookie/public_html/includes/content/confirmed.inc.php on line 275

    Warning: fopen(/logfoldername/2006-Jul-30.log): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/cookie/public_html/includes/content/confirmed.inc.php on line 275

    can't open file

  8. Hi Ansuk, I already tried that, but it hasnt helped, maybe I did it wrong? heres the Global.inc


    $glob['dbdatabase' ] = 'kearnsau_ccrt1' ;

    $glob['dbhost' ] = 'localhost' ;

    $glob['dbusername' ] = 'kearnsau_ccrt1' ;

    $glob['dbpassword' ] = ******;

    $glob['dbprefix' ] = '' ;

    $glob['installed' ] = '1' ;

    $glob['rootDir' ] = '/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions' ;

    $glob['rootRel' ] = '/auctions/' ;

    $glob['storeURL' ] = '' ;


  9. Ive signed up on Paypal sandbox but havent been able to figure out how to use it. I was hoping it would as simple as just buying a product from my cart like anyone would and then logging into paypal using my sandbox username and password and from then on it would become a test transaction.. but its not. Anyone got the good info on this? Im trying to fix up my "sorry order failed" error.

  10. Not in this case, the domain is already an active website, and I dont have access to the domain name yet. I need to develop this site over the next few weeks and then "turn it on" by pointing the domain at it. I was thinking in bed this morning that it must be because when installing via Fantastico it mentions the URL that I setup in Cpanel, so that URL must be in some of the files somewhere huh, theres a Global.inc or something like that isnt there? If I can add the IP address of the site to that and any other files in the mean time then change it to the real URL when the site is ready.

  11. I havent got access to the domain name as yet for this job, but I wanted to be able to set up Cubecart and then when its all done just point the domain name at the new site.

    Problem is when I try to go to the IP address

    I get an error. Ive pasted the error below.

    I also get this same error whenever I use an IP address for any of the current working installs on cubecart. So it seems CC doent like a URL with the IP instead of the domain name?? How can this be, I thought all references to files etc in CC wouldnt care what the top level of the URL was domain or IP..

    Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions/index.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/chargin/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions/index.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions/index.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/chargin/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions/index.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/home/kearnsau/public_html/auctions/index.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

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