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Posts posted by aPoLLo

  1. I just checked and yes, mod_rewrite is installed and yes it is an Apache server.


    This is in the .htaccess file:


    # <rf> search engine friendly mod

    # 1) only used if you selected 'Apache directory lookback and ForceType supported' as your server configuration
    <Files shop>  
    ForceType application/x-httpd-php  
    # end 1)

    # 2) only used if you selected 'Apache RewriteRule supported' as your server configuration
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.+)
    RewriteRule cat_(.*).html index.php?act=viewCat&catId=$1&%1 [L]
    RewriteRule cat_(.*).html index.php?act=viewCat&catId=$1 [L]
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.+)
    RewriteRule prod_(.*).html index.php?act=viewProd&productId=$1&%1 [L]
    RewriteRule prod_(.*).html index.php?act=viewProd&productId=$1 [L]
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.+)
    RewriteRule info_(.*).html index.php?act=viewDoc&docId=$1&%1 [L]
    RewriteRule info_(.*).html index.php?act=viewDoc&docId=$1 [L]
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.+)
    RewriteRule tell_(.*).html index.php?act=taf&productId=$1&%1 [L]
    RewriteRule tell_(.*).html index.php?act=taf&productId=$1 [L]
    # end 2)

    # <rf> end mod

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com.au$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.com.au$
    RewriteRule ^/?$ "http://www.domain.com" [R=301,L]


    Makes no sense to me but this is what Cubecart suggests I use.

  2. Thank you for your quick response to my problem bsmither.


    When I try to add the .htaccess file I receive the error inside Cubecart admin:


    *The following errors were detected:

    .Unable to update .htaccess file, please create it manually using an FTP client or web hosting filemanager.


    The .htaccess file was already located in the root. I backed up this file and the deleted it and tried again to add the file however, had the same resulting error. I finally created my own .htaccess file and uploaded it via FTP but when I activated the SEO URLs, I got the same problem where the website is renedered DOA.


    Any other suggestions?



  3. Hi guys and gals. Hope you are all doing well.


    I need some help please which relates to the Search Engines tab.


    Every time I enable SEO URLs the entire website stops working. When I click on a specific category or product I get the following error.


    "Not Found
    The requested URL /example.html was not found on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Would somebody please advise as to why this is happening and offer a resolution? It would be much appreciate.


    I know I'm doing something wrong so your expertise will go a long way to assisting me with this issue.


    Cheers and thanks in advance.

  4. OK lolichka,

    If you are based in Australia and running your business in Australian dollars your currency setting should be set as follows:

    Australian Dollars $1.00

    US Dollars $1.069 (whatever value XE.com calculates).

    On the other hand if you are based in the US and running your business in US dollars your currency setting should be set to the following:

    USD Dollars $1.00

    Australian Dollars 0.935161 (whatever value XE.com calculates).

    I assume you are in Australia if I am not mistaken therefore, the first lot of settings apply.

    I hope I am making some sense.

    aPoLLo :whistle:

  5. Sorry lolichka.

    I led you down the wrong garden path in previous response.

    You insert the AUD dollar on top and USD dollar at the bottom of XE.com. You need to adjust the US dollar and leave the Aussie dollar at $1.00.

    So you should have the following in your currencies section: Your store rate is 1.0696 USD for 1.00 AUD


    Hope it helped.

    Have a good weekend.

    aPoLLo :yeahhh:

    Ohhhh forgot to mention.... as for rounding up or down, it shouldn't make too much difference really. It's a miniscule amount.

    My store settings look like this:

  6. Hi.

    Before placing the order in COMPLETED status, you need to place it in PROCESSING status. Do this first and then in COMPLETED status. This should decrease your stock level.

    Give it a go and let us all know how you go.


    aPoLLo :(

  7. Never mind folks.

    The fix for the issue I mention above is as follows:

    chmod the following folders using your ftp client. The two image folders concerned require the chmod settings of 777 are:

    images/uploads - chmod 777

    images/uploads/thumbs - chmod 777

    Hope it helps others.


    aPoLLo :whistle:

  8. Hi guys and gals.

    Would somebody be able to shed some light on an error I am getting every time I try to make a product info change?

    The error goes something like this:

    Warning: unlink(/home/mydomain/public_html/images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_img.jpg) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in /home/mydomain/public_html/admin/products/index.php on line 206

    I have not made any changes recently so not sure what could be causing this. Oh by the way, I am using CC3.

    Any help is muchly appreciated.


    aPoLLo :whistle:

  9. To answer your questions..

    1. Take a look in the hacks and tweaks forum in CubeCartForums.org for a fix for this issue. Sometimes your problem occurs, and the fix should help.

    2. You need to reselect each product image for the thumb to be re-generated. I think there might be a free mod in the third-party forum for this to make it easier.


    Thanks Robsta.

    I kinda found a work around. Once I have set the store staus as Offline, I close admin session including browser. I then look at the store and receive the offline message which is correct. I then log into CC3 as Admin again and click on the Store Home link in admin and presto website is viewable to me and not to anyone else that's not logged in as an admin. Hope this helps others. Worked for me.

    As for the second issue.... no joy in finding that mod. I do hope I do not have to upload each and every product image individually for them to be regenerated.


    aPoLLo :homestar:

  10. Hi guys and gals.

    I would just like an idea of what I am doing wrong here.

    I wish to do an "Extreme Makeover" on my CC3 store (3.0.16) however am coming across a couple of issues and was hoping somebody cleverer (is this even a word?) than myselft could help.

    1. I place my store in Offline status by turning the store off in store setting and set the Allow administrators to view store off line to YES. I then try to view my store being logged in as Admin however get the offline page. I was under the understanding that I should still be able to view my store when I have a live admin session. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

    Second issue is:

    2. I have changed the GD settings for Thumbnail Size to 145 (default 75) as I'd like to have larger non pixelated thumbs for my products. I read somewhere that if I deleted all the thumbs from my images location, CC3 would regenerate them according to the GD settings. Is this correct or was I lead astray? I tried this process (first by backing up my thumbs) however I could not see any thumbs being regenerated. Is there a time frame this will be done by CC3 automatically or is there something I am doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

    aPoLLo :yeahhh:

  11. Hi Trevor,

    Open the index.php file in the root of your shop directory and right at the end before the ?> put in this piece of code, upload the file, visit your shop, then go back and take these two lines out again before reuploading the file. Be very careful not to change anything else in this file as its rather important and remember to backup any files you make changes to.

    Hope this helps you. It helped me.

    $query = "UPDATE `CubeCart_inventory` SET popularity = '0' WHERE 1";


    aPoLLo :)

  12. Hi everyone.

    I too have noticed a "slowness" of my webstore over time. Could it have anything to do with database? I have no idea why this is happening since I have not made any changes to the site in a long while.

    Any suggestions are welcomed.

    Thanks in advance.

    aPoLLo :dizzy:

  13. Hey guys and gals.

    I found this over at the .org forum and thought that it may be useful to a lot of people here. I am not sure if I am permitted to mention the moder's name so I won't. I have tried it and seems to be working just fine for me.


    This quick hack will prevent the search function from searching through product descriptions - limiting the search to the product's title or code.

    open: includes/content/viewCat.inc.php



    $like .= "(name LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR description LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR productCode LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%') OR ";

    Replace with:


    $like .= "(name LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%' OR productCode LIKE '%".$searchArray[$i]."%') OR ";



  14. Hi Mysty.

    That is a bit of a pain in the butt. Isn't there something that the developers of CC can do to fix this? Surely not all products are 1 word only.

    If anyone out there has a solution (other than the 1 word search) it will be much appreciated.


    aPoLLo :ninja2:

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