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Posts posted by Walelia

  1. I am wondering how to get the catalog import mechanism to recognize and allow population of my metatags available in the CSV database on the server, specifically these items. I have tried changing header titles to match titles in the MySQL database with no change for the import.

    Custom SEO URL:

    Browser Title:

    Meta Description:

    Meta Keywords:

    This meta tag information is available in my database for each of the products. How do I get CC to import this information along with the other product info (catalog Prod #, Weight, etc) during the import process. When selecting column titles to import--- there is no “Meta†type categories available to assign the meta title, meta description, meta keywords import info. Is this done somewhere else in the store software?

    Appreciate any help!

  2. You didn't load or update the .htaccess file. Search Engine Friendly URLs won't work without it.


    I'm having the same problem... I don't see a ".htaccess file in the CubeCart-4.1.1 files. Where can I find the file?

    If I am to update my current ".htaccess" file instead, what should I update it with?


    Go into your Admin Control Panel then into General Settings then scroll to the bottom where you should see the information that should go into your .htaccess file. Copy this information and save it as a new text file on your computer named .htaccess OR just edit it. Then upload that file to your web site via FTP. It needs to be in the main folder that your store is installed into.

    Sir William,

    I had thought this would solve my problem but it does not seem to so am asking you same questions sent with ticket earlier... messages copied below.

    I have deleted setup directory and the store homepage is coming up now.

    I am still having errors when I go to view products (not available to assign to a category) and view categories (is hiding categories).

    Error Message:

    1146: Table 'shop_shapelyf732.CubeCart_filemanager' doesn't exist


    SELECT * FROM CubeCart_filemanager WHERE type = '1' AND disabled = '0' ORDER

    BY filename ASC LIMIT 0,30

    Error Message:

    1054: Unknown column 'seo_custom_url' in 'field list'


    SELECT cat_name, cat_id, cat_father_id, seo_custom_url FROM

    CubeCart_category WHERE cat_id=4

    What plan of attack would you suggest? The database?

    When managing images I am unable to make thumbnails, from uploaded images getting this Error Message:

    Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/var/www/domains/shop.shapelyforms.com/docs/images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_7sins.jpg' for writing: Permission denied in /var/www/domains/shop.shapelyforms.com/docs/classes/gd/gd.inc.php on line 225

    thank you for your kind help :)


    Valerie Woelk



    where artwork takes to form...

  3. I found this in the Forum dated 10/13/2007...

    "I'm having trouble too. I have amended an excel file to the same headers as Cubecart and added a few products, then saved as a csv file.

    I try to upload and it informs me that this has completed succesfully, but when I go into 'View Products' there is no sign of the products from the csv file, what am i doing wrong ?"

    I asks my question perfectly for me, unfortunately I do not see any answers to the question asked.

  4. I have repeatedly imported our catalog only to find that the "write over" does not seem to be functioning so now it seems that we have duplicated items in our database. Additionally, I am working off of a Mac with OS X10.4.3 using Safari browser and after import I am directed to assign categories and in that window there was nowhere to go, no navigational buttons or links visible. So I will switch over to the windows platform and try there next.

    What would you suggest as the best route to clear out and start over with the database?

    Is there a "how-to" manual we could download to use for version 4 setup and store usage? I have searched the downloads and only found basic installation, but I need beyond setup so that I can finish with installing database and running store...

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