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Give Images Names??????


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For several sites I am working on it is important that the images we have (especially if there are multiple images per product) have names associated with them. The problem is that in CC 3.x images are referenced in two different tables... and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to associate a name with an image.

Does anyone have any ideas? If someone could think of how to associate the name with the image I could probably write the code and share.



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For example, one of the sites sells golf equipment. When he is selling golf bags there might be 3-4 styles of a particular golf bag. I need to be able to put the style name under the pictures so that when they are choosing their options they understand which style is which.

This would be very easy to add the name to the main picture but I dont understand how I am going to add the name to the pictures after that since you are adding them under Manage Images...

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You mean like a photo caption???

Cubecart doesn't currently do this. Best way would be to add the product ID or name you want to use in the image itself before you upload it (thru an image editing program).

Gotta wonder though if they are different styles, why are you doing them in the same product? Wouldn't it be better to make each style it's own item? (unless you mean they come in different colors, not styles, but then they really don't need a caption - most people can figure out if you have "Green" as an option and show a photo of the green bag, that would be the green version).

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Funny we came up with the same thing today. We are going to just add the name in the actual image. Associating a name (which is a database function) to a file in a folder... it would be messy at best... so editing the image sounds like the plan.

There aren't a lot of things that need names but for example, shirts might be sold in 5-10 colors... The owner of the store wants to be able to put the color of the shirt under the picture so that the customer doesn't order the incorrect thing. He is very anal, what can I tell you.

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