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A few easy things things....


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I'm using classic skin and I want :

1) The top header to incorporate the whole width of the page.

2) Move the welcome guest / log in & the search box as part of the top header to the top right hand side & then change the text to white.

3) I've changed the pageBG from the default but there is a portion of the old grey background colour showing, how do I get rid of it / change.

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1. Open skins/Classic/styleTemplates/boxes/searchForm.tpl and replace existing code with the following:

<!-- BEGIN: search_form -->

<div class="boxTitleRight">{LANG_SEARCH_FOR}</div>

<div class="boxContentRight">

<form action="index.php" method="get">

  <input name="searchStr" type="text" class="searchBox" id="searchStr" value="{SEARCHSTR}" size="15" />

  <input type="hidden" name="act" value="viewCat" />

  <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="searchBtn" value="{LANG_GO}" />



<!-- END: search_form -->

2. Open skins/Classic/styleTemplates/boxes/searchForm.tpl and replace existing code with the following:

<!-- BEGIN: session -->

<div class="boxTitleRight">{LANG_YOUR_ACCOUNT}</div>

<div class="boxContentRight">

<!-- BEGIN: session_false -->

	<span class="txtSession">{LANG_WELCOME_GUEST}<br />[</span><a href="index.php?act=login&amp;redir={VAL_SELF}" class="txtSession">{LANG_LOGIN}</a> <span class="txtSession">|</span> <a href="cart.php?act=reg&amp;redir={VAL_SELF}" class="txtSession">{LANG_REGISTER}</a><span class="txtSession">]</span>

<!-- END: session_false -->

<!-- BEGIN: session_true -->

	<span class="txtSession">{LANG_WELCOME_BACK} {TXT_USERNAME}<br />[</span><a href="index.php?act=logout" class="txtSession">{LANG_LOGOUT}</a> <span class="txtSession">|</span> <a href="index.php?act=account" class="txtSession">{LANG_YOUR_ACCOUNT}</a><span class="txtSession">]</span>

<!-- END: session_true -->


<!-- END: session -->

3. Open skins/Classic/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl and remove this code: 


4. In the same file (index.tpl) add 
<div class="colRight">

5. Open skins/Classic/styleTemplates/global/cart.tpl and remove this code: 


and add 
<div class="colLeftCheckout">{CART_NAVI}

That must be it.

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