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repeating boxes


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Hi all, first post.

I've just downloaded a copy of the cart and have it up and running. Everything seems very straight forward for editing. Helps with it being css and xhtml as i havent used tables for over a year now.

Right, my question:

In the index.tpl page i see that the boxes are arranged within the main layout as {SITE_DOCS} for example. I want this to go on the side column, or maybe even at the top whilst keeping a list of pages in a breadcrumb style at the bottom as it is as default.

How do i go about reusing {SITE_DOCS} but then change its style dependent on whether i use it as a footer as default and in the left column. Obviously the templates need changing, so i copied and renamed the siteDocs.tpl and changed this so it would fit in a side bar (i.e get rid of the | and put a <br /> in its place and set some new style classes). I then set up a copy of the siteDocs.inc.tpl and changed it to point to the new template, and finally added a include to point to the page in the cart.php page.

However that doesnt work :angry: am i missing somthing, or is there a easier way of doing it.

Cheers Tim

p.s sorry for the long winded first post

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