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2 orders, 1 log in, cart not empty


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I needed to modify the PRINT ORDER FORM so that the user can continue and return to the site. I added a simple link to the main site on the form.

What happens now is not good...the items that were in the cart remain there. If someone want to do more selecting they have to empty their cart.


The second checkout has an interesting problem too...the order will not print...it empties the cart and goes to a page that does not give the customer a chance to print the porder form. This seems to land on the step 5 page again.

Also...is there a way to add (for the customer) a REPRINT or PRINT INVOICE to the invoices listed?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guest groovejuice

Make sure the customer is logged out from the previous session. Also try to refresh the page, and lastly to clear your cache of temp int files and cookies.

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