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Just upgraded to 3.0.5 and have a sessions problem

Guest mlamb

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I have just upgraded to the newest version (3.0.5) and I have been testing the cart.

It seems that if I add an item to cart, then delete it. It appears that it has been deleted, but I don't think it is deleting it from the session?

So my shopping cart appears empty, but when I add an item it displays the total price wrong. (Also the url starts to add a bunch of slashes, don't know if that matter?,

Example: www.siteaddress.com/cart///////cart.php?act=step2

Also I ship by weight, so when I try and go to checkout, it says can't ship item of that weight, but there is only one item in my cart? And my shipping was working fine in the previous version. (The shipping and totals works fine if I register as a new user, and don't hop back and forth adding and deleting items)

Also I have tried to logout with items in the cart and it doesn't delete the session... it says it has but it still shows the items in the cart.

If I go into the browser settings and delete the cookies and cache. Then it checks out fine again.

Anyway, I hope someone can make sence of that discription... sorry if I ramble.

So is this a bug? How do I get it to delete the sessions? Thanks in advance! :w00t:

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Oh sorry, here ya go.


If you want to test it go through the first couple of cart pages till it gets to your address info. then delete the product from the cart, and go back and add that same product to your cart again. It's holding on to some value and adding it to the cart total?

Thanks for any insite?


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Example: www.siteaddress.com/cart///////cart.php?act=step2

Your $glob['storeURL'] is ended with a trailing slash. Is NOT?

Function currentPage() in v3.0.5 is recoded completely. Slashes issue above occurs, when this one is used and $glob['storeURL'] is ended with a trailing slash.

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Ok... I fixed the trailing slash...

But its still holding on to my cart total.

So let say I want to purchase an item for $12.95 I go through the checkout process... enter my details etc... and I get to where it adds shipping... so now my total is $17.95

But I delete that item and go back to the products page. Then I choose that same item priced $12.95... I go to view cart and it says the price is $17.95

Also if I go to logout it doesn't empty the cart?

Maybe its not a big deal, only if people are indecisive and add and delete products.

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Guest estelle

Its the shipping that is a problem, right? I mean, the incorrect total is because the shipping is still being included in the total, even though it is displayed as n/a on the early stages of checkout.

This bug has been discussed, not sure if anyone has done anything about it yet.

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Yes I did find a post discussing this same type of problem. And when I delete cookies it fixes the shipping totals....

But there is an added problem... because I ship using weight, and because it is holding on to the values. If some one jumps back and forth too much they will get the "can't ship item of that weight" error, because it's holding onto all the previous shipping costs and trying to add them together. When actually they only have one product to checkout.

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