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T&C's acceptance confirmation

Guest LNT

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Hi all,

Yes its the annoying LNT again lol.

Right I have a new question. Is it possible to haave people manually accept (needing to put a tick in a check box) upon regitering with the store and also when placing an order just before sending payment?

So really what I am looking for is something like err,

IF (Checkbox (name"Terms") = False

THEN ( <a href ...... (name "Next")) = False (false as in greyed out or does not show)


IF (Checkbox(name"Terms") = True

THEN ( <a href ......(name"Next")) = True (true as in the next button shows normally)

Please forgive my very poor example of a php sort of equation.

I dont really know php and am trying to make tracks to learn it.

How ever the theory is still the same.

Any chance that anyone can actually make this happen, or has this already been done is a good question?



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