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Add product page - set Use Stock Level default

Guest sparrowdog

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Guest sparrowdog

I want to be able to change the default setting on the Add Product page for the Use Stock Level from Yes to No.

I found the file I need to change:


and even found the snippet of code that relates to the stock level (below) but I do not know which piece of it to change.

Anyone know?


<td class="tdText"><strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['stock_level2'];?><br />

</strong><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['reduce_stock_level'];?> </td>

<td class="tdText"><input name="stock_level" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['stock_level'])) echo $results[0]['stock_level']; ?>" type="text" class="textbox" size="10"></td>


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Guest estelle

Hi :rolly:

Remove the red text shown below, and insert the green text:

<input name="useStockLevel" type="radio" value="1" <?php if(isset($results[0]['useStockLevel']) && $results[0]['useStockLevel']==1) { echo "checked='checked'"; } elseif(!isset($results[0]['useStockLevel'])) { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?>>

<?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?>

<input name="useStockLevel" type="radio" value="0" <?php if(isset($results[0]['useStockLevel']) && $results[0]['useStockLevel']==0) echo "checked='checked'"; elseif(!isset($results[0]['useStockLevel'])) { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?>>

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