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Admin is "almost" blank

Guest webactor

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Guest webactor

Hi there -

This is the first time i try Cubecart

I downloaded ver. 3.0.5

I took the Auto Method install way.

Everything works fine - until i login into the admin part.

( at the end of install )

When i log in to admin - there is no text and no buttons

it is like all the text is missing.

The shop part looks pretty okey.

But the admin part - is almost blank ..

Has anyone had the same problem ?

Hope you can help me :zorro:

C yaaa


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Guest webactor

Hi there vrakas

and super duber thanks for the quick reply.

Hmmm.. what should i search for - ?

I tryed " Blank admin "

- " Error Admin "

" Empty Admin " and much more ...

Well thanks anyway - i´ll have a look around

C yaaaa


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Guest webactor

Hi there

yyiiihaaaaa - it works

The admin part is now showing :D

But a small bug - if i change store data and " Save "

it goes back to Blank.. again

jeff29754 says - that you can set languages\en\home.inc.php to 0777

well i dosen´t help for me B)

i think there must be a manuel way to change Store data

Well C yaaa


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