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Removing modules


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Is there an easy way to remove modules that you dont want?

For instance, I only want one country and one language, so I want to remove the language and country selector modules

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thats nice to know, but doesnt answer the question...

How do you get rid of Modules ?

There should be a way (through the admin pages) to define which modules appear on the home page

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I assume you are being funny :unsure:

I researched the matter more myself, and this is what I found.

In the file:


you will find the following:

	<div class="colLeft">







These items in {} tags define where individual modules get rendered.

Therefore, the only way to remove a module is to manually edit the index.tpl file. Readding it later requires readding it.

I guess I am spoiled by using a content management system (portal) which has a fully thought out system for adding, reordering and removing modules, whereas that was of secondary importance for cubecart

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Guest jbdancer

<div class="colLeft">






=> if you want to delete the language box you can indeed delete the {LANGUAGE}

For the country's you will need 2 go to your admin area - Store Config - Countries & Zones and delete the country's you don't want to ship 2 :unsure:

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