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CC3 offline payments stopped working

Guest Loudspeaker

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Guest Loudspeaker

Hey guys & Girls,

Great forum and fantastic software.

I am in the process of killer skin modifications and some other tweaks to further customise my online store. I will be buying a licence once I have finished. (When will it end??? 3am and still going!!! ;))

I have come across a problem which is not skin related because I switched to an original skin and the problem remained.

When I complete a purchase and choose an offline method of payment, I get the following:

Not Found

The requested URL /modules/gateway/DirectDeposit/offLine.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

This problem happened before I added the Australian Payments mod and I was hoping somehow that it may fix it.

My store is set offline because I want to finish it before it goes live.

Suggestions please? :rolleyes:


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Guest Loudspeaker

yeah, I never found it either! :unsure:

Although, I was testing this feature in firefox. When I tried again in IE it worked!

My guess is, because I am in offline mode (admin only) firefox times out the session and thinks the site is offline. Therefore, the script tries to find offline.php from the cart section of the script and gives a 404 error.

Does that sound right?


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