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database import


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Hi Nedmiller,

Please can you expand on import from.

Do you mean you wish to upgrade to 3.0.5 from 3.0.2? If this is the case then that is easily done and you should see brookes upgrade manual for instructions and downloads to do this.



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What I have done is this:

3.0.2 to 3.0.3 then

3.0.3 to 3.0.4 then

3.0.4 to 3.0.5 and then....I had problems logging in as a customer...it does not let me log in even though I am a registered customer. Also it lets me register a new customer but never lets me log in.

My thought was to install 3.0.5 as a clean install and then import all of my data from the 3.0.2 database.

what are thoughts on this?

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As far as i am aware you can export all your details out of your current 3.0.2 db as a csv file you can then upload this into the new one.

Dont ask me exactly how this would be done as I have never done this myself.

All I do know is that it should be possible.

There is an alternate method, which may be worth exploring, and this is "Sir William" has to my knowledge released a mod/hack which would allow you to apply it and bring any db prior to 3.0.5 into it in one fair swoop.

Please do check with him on this one though as I am not all to sure.



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Guest estelle

nedmiller - it might be the cookie problem. Delete all of your PHPSESSION cookies, or if you can't figure out how to do this just delete all cookies. Then you should be able to log in.

Hope this fixes it for you :unsure:

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