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Development to Production


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I am currently setting up a site with cube cart v3. I was wondering if anyone knows if i can develop the site on a development box and then place it to production? are there any problems with doing it this way? I would only be doing the layout and design on the development box then adding products when i launch it to production. :unsure:

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Guest estelle

Thats exactly what I do :unsure:

If you're only modifying your skin files, it will be very easy to port your changes from the development box to production. Just download the files, and upload them to your production web server.

However if you want to change anything thats stored in the database, its a tiny bit more tricky to port these changes. You need to export your database, and import it, using phpMyAdmin or something similar. Complications arise if you're porting from a Windows machine to a Linux machine, but besides that its pretty easy.

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