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Error in Payment Method

Guest carhen

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I´ve entered admin>gateways / Print Order Form like this:

Status: Enabled

Allow Payment in multiple Currencies?: No

Description: Contra-entrega

Allow Cheque Payments? Yes

Checks payable to: BCP

Allow Card Payments? No

Cards Accepted:

(Comma separated)

Allow Bank Transfer? Yes

Bank Name: BCP

Account Name: Mine

Sort Code: 123

Account Number: 123456789

Swift Code: 123

Address: Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Address Line 4


Notes to Customer: We can only accept payments in yyy currency.

When I send the order, I expect happears 2 options (bank tranfer and Cheque Payments), but don´t. It hapears only the first one (Contra-entrega) (disable).

Could you help me?

What do I have to do to appear the 2 options?

Sorry my bad english ;)

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It looks like your using Post to Form.

This will of course appear like this when you select this option and go to the next step you will see that all the info a person requires is there on that page.



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