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Google Adsense Question

Guest netwizard

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Guest netwizard

I've got google adwords down the right hand column of my site and I think they're pretty neat. I love how it shows relevant ads to the product my customers are looking at.

One problem though, is that on my main page... Google seems to be picking up words like "shopping cart" "basket" etc and displays only ads for shopping cart software. This is only happening on my main page.

Can anybody give me advice on how i can make google pick up the words relevent to my products? I realise its picking up the "Cubecart" references, and I can overcome this by buying a license, which I plan to do. Any other ideas? ;)

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Guest sunshine

Hi Netwizard,

Got a link to your site? As far as I know, bots' read from left to right, top to bottom. Placing the nav to the right of the page is usually good IF your body aka main content starts on the left. It will read it entirely before proceeding to the next content. But if you're using a 3-column layout, you then DEFEAT the purpose unless you've got something worthwhile to index in there.

Sp, with this, what I'm saying is, determine and be selective with what goes to the left if it's not your body. What is 'mportant' to you? Place it to the left if you've got 3-col; tThen put the least important to the right. ;)

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It cracks me up so much my side hurts

I love how it shows relevant ads to the product my customers are looking at.

If its showing ads relevant to wot ur selling you are losing business my friend.

its like ok i sell a push bike for $200 and next to it is an ad for a push bike from bikes r us for $99.99 click click i'm gone on to bikes r us site buying the bike ok ok i know u made 2 cents off the click but heh you could of made $200 on the bike.

Be very careful with ad words yes you can make money from it and yes you can make big bucks from it my new site has some that make me $20 a click hmm not bad.

Once i release my site ill show you how i did it without affecting my new shop

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Guest sunshine

Now there ya go! ;) That's something there!:lightbulb moment: Know why your getting relevent adverts in direct relation to your contents? Because it IS reading it right, just not for you. Maybe move it to the lower right corner.

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Guest netwizard


Luckily, the adverts shown to my customers are relevant to them, but not in direct competition with me. Now if only google ads would open in a new window.

How are you making $20 per click? whats the secret

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Guest sunshine

Is it html? You can add _blank at the end of your links, then if someone clicks it will open a new window for the add.

BTW Not poking fun at yuo. It's EvilHomer's fault, he made me laugh,I didn't even notice that comment.

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Guest estelle

Be very careful with ad words yes you can make money from it and yes you can make big bucks from it my new site has some that make me $20 a click hmm not bad.

Once i release my site ill show you how i did it without affecting my new shop

;) Please tell us more..?

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Its not an easy process but basically sign up for an ad sense campaign dont have to put ads on but u need access to it.

once inside adsense you get to choose how much u pay per click depending on keyword and location of table


cubecart pos 10 = 10cents /click

cubecart pos 1 = $1 / click

got it so far now break away from using adsense to promote your own site on google but use it to make money find out whick keywords generate big $$'s for pos 1


try porn, sex, web design, e commerce etc.. u will soon notice that to steal the no 1 pos from companies you have to beat the price of there clicks so if there paying $20 click now some 1 else needs 2 pay $20+ ne ways forget that u found your keyword that generates big $$'s / click now all u need is the adverts to show.

Easy part build a resource library mine currently stands at 700 pages I think last count each page has 1 report on it of some description. And yes its all free the customer can come to my site search,copy do what ever they want with the report its a lovely new free service I offer. Of course every page is linked to my site and shop. And of course Google Ads down the side. now do the maths 700 pages each with 4 ads down the side thats 2800 ads without the main content page and category index pages of library now cos i know which keywords are demanding big $$' s I make sure to have up 10 reports on the subject so that the keyword is used by google. Now as its a resource library and people have come there to do research the chances are pretty high that they will read the report i have put up and then click on at least one of my google ads.

I dont have google ads on my new main site and i dont have on my new site so that doesnt affect my business by pulling customers away from me to buy elsewhere.

This is not an easy process and its not an overnighter either, I may release my library at a cost (small) after a while dunno yet as it would be a simple case of changing the javascript and of u go complete library filled with ur adsense code. For optimum results u want the pages static not pulled from a database hence the time scale 700+pages each one copy n pasted.

Neways thats about it i think if i confused u or u need more info pls just holla.

My site should be up live 2nite/2moro

will post details when its done. :unsure:

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Guest estelle

Thanks for the info, evilhomer.

My only question is - if you receive $20 per click, couldn't you just sit at your computer and click those links all day, and earn a wicked wage!!! :unsure:

Is it based on clicks per unique visitor? Or something like that?

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Guest netwizard

Google are very good at tracking click fraud... they monitor everything, especially IP addresses, how long the page had loaded before the ad was clicked, how long the person spent on the page the ad lead to etc...

I agree, it seems like too much of an easy target for fraudsters.... But google are pretty onto it. :unsure:

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Ha Ha

go for it try and pull one over on google

but remmber this google has some of the worlds top hackers,coders and fraudsters working for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to beat peeps like us

theytrack everything and no you cant just sit there and click all day.

Its hard work but worth it in the long room It took be 10 weeks to generate 140 pages with adsense paying decent amounts.

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