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eady mysql query question

Guest bennyuk

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Guest bennyuk


If I have a table (tableA) with a rows with 2 decimal fields (field1 & field2), and I want to find the total value of field1 * field2 for each row and add them all together, is there 1 line in mysql that would do it.

All I can think of at the moment is a WHILE loop with a running total, but I'm sure there mist be one nice mysql statement tha tcan return the result?:-

$sql_select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tableA");

$count1 = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_select))


$fieldA = $row["fieldA"];

$fieldB= $row["fieldB"];

$count1 = $count1 + ($fieldA * $fieldB);


echo "result = $count1";

PS I'm stuck on old MySQL Version 3.23.54

Any ideas?

PS excuse my typos in the title ( :D )

Edited by bennyuk
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