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Domain forwarding and merging


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I have a question about domains. a friend has a domain named serenitycoffeeco.com and mine is tc-sales.biz. Can I forward the serenity domain to say www.tc-sales.biz/cubecart/ ? Will it look like serenity domain?

Any suggestions on this?

thanks all.

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well, yeah - how you do it makes all the difference. i run a "samspade.org - whois" 4 host serenitycoffeeco.com ---- ahhh i see one mean pop-up with somethin about my computer is infected, ba bla...

most providers of Internet web page hosting (not the free-bee usually included in your standard Internet connect package) offer under many names a redirect option. it usually goes by many names. now my memory is all-fuzzy, but a redirect 302 or 301 should do the trick....

Coffee sounds ssoooo good right now - vanilla ice lattee. I might be back...

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vanilla is good but I like the irish cream lattes... :homestar: I did find some info on my host...domain forwarding and masking and such. But what I dont understand is if I use the serenity domain forwarded to a maksed tc-sales...will it affect the carts operations? will the url look like http://www.serenitycoffeeco.com/cubecart/whaterver else and willl it affect the payments and stuff?

and what about mail to the serenity address? How will It affect that...?

thanks again...

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