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Selected screen area print software????

Guest LNT

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Hello all,

Right, its how to word this that will boggle me.

At the moment I use the kb Prt Sc button and then psting it into paint and cutting the necessary part etc.

This has proved very inefficient ever since I started doing it this way (some time now).

I have always been on the lookout for a bit of software that would allow me to select the exact area copy it and then paste it into what ever application I want.

I hope you know what I am on about.

If anyone has any information regarding a software tot he likes, then please do tell and link if possible.

Regards, :homestar:

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While not exactly what you're talking about, look into IrfanView. It's the fastest image viewer I've ever seen. Just put an icon or shortcut to it on your start menu or shortcut bar. Then you can do a PrintScreen, Launch IrfanView, Ctrl-V to paste, Highlight an Area, Select Crop, then Save As a GIF, PNG or BMP. This whole process can EASILY be done in under 30 seconds. Not a perfect solution, but extremely doable. Plus I think you'll really enjoy it as an image viewer.



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Thanks Sir William,

I have used irfanview for years. I simply use paint for some un-none reason beyond my explanation lol.

I have however spotted a programe called snagit which seems to look fairly promising. Not only catering for exactly what I want which is regional copy to clipboard and regional copy to file but other methods besides.

Take a look for yourself if you are looking for something along the same lines, but it does look very promising http://www.snagit.com


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Hi Roban,

I have only just got round to test driving snagit and personally I think it is awesome.

Not only does it allo you to copy a selected area of your screen, you also have the option to add effects such as edge effects, you can take multiple copies of different ares in one go and paste seperately.

On top of this snagit allow for video capture (such as games, films and so forth) and also web capture (the entire page as apposed to what you see within your browser).

All in all I currently rate this tool high. Although I will be testing it out to its limits before long ;)


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