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hosting company


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well i must say im well impressed with hosting companys ive just been ripped off yet again after paying 2 years in advance for 3 websites guess what they turned around and suspended them for guess what non payment hahahahahahahaha how funny is that one.

the hosting company in question is unlimited-hosting.net (scammers)

i have had to get the police involved as they are refusing to return my hosting fees or put my site back online (after they realised it was paid for) i have also had to get paypal involved in this and sujest to any one else who is with this company to MOVE as quick as you can as they have now blocked my emails for some petty reason and i have a good mind to go down to there office first thing in the morning

any sujestions any one for a decent hosting company as im loosing business peoiple

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Guest cntgifts

dont know if im allowed to do this if not remove it please

but my hsot i use is www.web-hosting4u.com

they are great hardly ever have a problem and when there is its small and there on top of it just liek that

i highly recommend them

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