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So this is what I dont like...


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I come here every so often to see whats happening.

Its a nice place to just check out, as I remember helping A LOT with V2...

But this whole theme thing is getting to me again.

I understand some people aren't that great at web-design, but still.

Its like v2 all over again. Everyone is using the same theme, maybe a few different colors to make it "their own".

Sorry, but I cant stand looking in the 'show off' area just to see the same theme over and over, haha.

I shouldn't be talking as my theme is still being worked on [on and off, busy few months for me].

Sorry, just had to rant!


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Nice i c you have gone with the content on left and boxes on right tell me have you noticed a difference with the search engines pls as i considered this myself for my site

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Yeah I hear ya man I was wondering what was up with that... The site I put together isn't TOO much diverse from the original V2 theme - www.gamma.co.nz - But I'd say it's a step ahead.

I'm gonna be doing a new design for it anyway this Uni Break so it'll be real slick when its done.

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