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Guest dorianrave

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Guest dorianrave

Can anyone help? Ever since I upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 I get a Warning message everytime I edit a product. The message goes something like:

"unlink(/home/admin1/public_html/store/images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_certainpicture.jpg): Permission denied in /home/admin1/public_html/store/admin/products/index.php on line 172

Any suggestions anyone?

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I have the same problem. Products added before the upgrade aren't showing up when you click on the product category. I tried to edit the product by selecting the category and then when I update, I get the error message posted above and it says "Failed to update category" in the pink highlighted bar underneath the product inventory header.

I also tried to change the image permissions to 777 as suggested but it still doesn't update.

Also Sale Items aren't showing when you click on the link in the Shop By Category Box, but they show up in the box on the right. Check out my shop in my sig to see what I am talking about.

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Ok, I had to select each product that wasn't showing and selected another category and pressed update. Then I had to go back and select the proper category and update again. Now everything is showing in the categories and sale items but I still get the error message below:

Warning: unlink(/home/user/public_html/catalog/images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_productpic.jpg) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in /home/user/public_html/catalog/admin/products/index.php on line 177

Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/home/user/public_html/catalog/images/uploads/thumbs/thumb_productpic.jpg' for writing in /home/user/public_html/catalog/classes/gd.inc.php on line 153

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