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Complete Upgrade From v2 to v3


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It's done!!!

All customers, orders, products, product options, additional images the lot!!

Big thanks to all these people

Jbdancer -- for the initial upgrade (products, customers, orders)

estelle -- For her Javascript image mod, importing my options from a non-standard advanced options mod, importing my additional images from a non-standard additional images mod, her text input mod & fantastic support.

jen at Grassmeyer designs for her superlative skin

Brooky for a great cart

& everyone else for their help & support

I really don't believe this upgrade would have been possible with any other cart as it simply doesn't have the expertise & support you can get from the folks on here!

Got a few tweaks to make but take a look here

Feel free to place an order & check out the mals-e offline processing, the store won't be live until next week :lol:

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