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Getting personalization info from customer

Guest wcmiller3

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Guest wcmiller3

I sell personalized products that may require 1, 2, or 3 additional pieces of information on each item. Is there a way for me to get that information while they are adding an item to the cart?

I'm new to cubecart and I must say that I'm very impressed so far.


Bill Miller

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Guest wcmiller3

Thank you so much. I think this is perfect. I was almost blown away when I saw the sample page because the first thing on it is a price of $999. I greatly relieved when I saw the price was actually $22.

Thanks again,

Bill Miller

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Guest estelle

LOL.... Yes sorry about that. That was before I knew what I was going to charge, so i put something outrageous just to make sure people would know that it wasn't a real price :)

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