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Excel Expert needed

Guest blacknightcomputers

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Guest blacknightcomputers

Hi i have a Spread sheet that has the prices from my suppler and a colum in there that i add so that i can add on say £5 to all the suppliers prices so that i get £5 profit from the sale etc i do this as a formule and then copy the colum in to the other spread sheet i have with all the information that the CSV UPloader needs in the form of a spread sheet..

i copy the colum for my profit in to the normal price colum but it pasts the formula not hte figars that the formula works out

is there a way to just copy the figars that the formula works out ????

Hope this makes sence ....


Phillip Cooper

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This can be done by using the paste special function... Copy the cell you want then move to the other spreadsheet right click in the cell and click paste special then select values. Hope this helps


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Guest blacknightcomputers

Hi i tried that and pasted the prices in to the spreadsheet and uploaded useing CSV Uploader... but once the products are on the site the price comes up as 0.00 ????? any ideas??????


Phillip Cooper

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Guest estelle

If the prices look fine in the spreadsheet, but are turning out to be zero after being imported, then something else is going wrong. Perhaps the prices are incorrect after the spreadsheet is saved as a CSV file (unlikely)? Perhaps the price column is in the wrong spot? Etc..

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Guest blacknightcomputers

but if it was in the colum was in the wrong place then the prices that i have had on there previouly would not have shown either????

Still need help on this..??? please people

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Guest blacknightcomputers

Worked it out, when i copied the data it was Putting the " £ " sign in front of the number and the field that it was up loading it to will only support prices in the format "0.00" and not "£0.00" .....

Sorry to be a pain



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