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tips on filtering/ selection of articles


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anyone has hints/advice or similar experiences in orgenising articles and structuring it

(related to : http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=14735 )

500(+) articles

each article could have something refering to like : from country , size ( out of 3) , type ( out of 2) , a numer ( some articles have same number) and a category ( out of 2)

first test : article name contains each of these elements specific to that article and do a search on several of optional references ( only specified country or size or combination of etc) to get a list

optional idea I dotn know if possible ( new/extra script ? ) , create filter with dropdownlists or other only possible options ( eliminates guessing if references exsist or not and iliminate impossible combinations)

refering to the mentioned thread above : choise of second item only possible within same type+size+categry

btw, article do not need pictures , detailed facts etc


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